Chapter 34- Songbird Hear Me, Please

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It was late into the night as I was on skype with Winter.

"Sweetheart you don't know how bad it is over here." Winter says as she leans back in her office chair. A look of pure concern on her face. I've been here for maybe two weeks by now, but I didn't think much would happen in my time gone.

"What do you mean, what's happening?" I ask as I tie my hair back in a pony tail.

"King Nikolai has officially put the entire area on Marshal Law. He's been searching the entire Western Hemisphere for you. He's even dropped by my office four times asking me about you. You don't know how difficult that is to explain to my mother." She sighs.

"I'll come back right now." I say moving myself off the bed.

"Don't do that."

"Winter, if he's bothering your place of work it's not right for me to be staying here while he's over there making people suffer." I argue.

"Sweetheart the longer you stay there the more I see why you wanted to leave. He's controlling and domineering, and while that may be attractive in the bedroom, it's not when you're trying to carry a conversation."

"If he's been there four times, it means that he knows you know something."

"Like I'm not a woman with connections and abilities of my own."

"Not saying you don't deserve the credit, but someone with his ego and power is not going to go above extreme measures. Winter, is it wrong for me to be worried for you?"

"No, but I've been alive long enough to learn how to lie like an expert. Don't worry about me, Sol. Besides, I'm a faerie. Anything I say will sound believable." She says with a grin.

"I'll make a note of that." I smirk. My wolf stirred, silent for the last two weeks. She nudges me to ask. "How did he look?"

Winter's face turned pensive, biting the inside of her cheek.

"He didn't look too good." She said softly. "If it wasn't for his attitude I would have felt sorry for him. He looked worn out and acted erratic. Bags under his eyes and bloodshot. He looked like he hadn't slept in days."

"Damn." I run my hands over my face. My wolf whines, yearning for something that just didn't seem possible.

"You're not thinking about coming back are you?"

"I don't know, we don't know how far he'll go and we both know you're at the top of his list." I say softly.

"No sweetheart. You're at the top of his list. But that doesn't mean you cave and give this man what he wants. Let him suffer, make him wait."

"Is that logical?"

"I know you're accustomed to thinking with logic, but for once stop and be a little impulsive. When you came home that night, you were overwhelmed and broke down immediately. I didn't take you for an emotional person before that night." She leans forward, her chin supported by her hand. "Let this man be a little crazy for a second. Let him think about his loss. He fucked up and he knows he fucked up. Let it marinate."

"I don't feel like I should be taking that advice." I shake my head laughing. "He's lycan. Yes he's a pampered, prissy, spoiled rotten lycan, but lycan nonetheless. They're made to hunt their prey and when they have their eyes on something they'll never let it go."

"Seriously?" Winter cocks an eyebrow.

"Winter they're werewolves on crack, genetically and literally." She laughs at my statement and I can't help the smile either, but we both know it's true. "What if he finds me?"

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