Chapter 68- Little Big Women

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"You need to talk to Holland." My response is quick and Christine looks surprised.

"But-" she start but I cut her off.

"Ain't no but, Princess." Shaking my head at her. "You're circumstances and mine are completely different. You're in a position with a very strong foundation, that in itself is something to consider with a decision like this."

"But if you can do it then so can I." She stands from the couch and giving me a look like I just dissed her.

"Absolutely true, you can. But then what would Holland say? What about your pack? You're the Crowned Beta Female, you think they're going to just let you leave?"

After a beat I see Christine slowly realize what this is. She's in the position that I've managed to keep myself out of, just barely. She's has much more to lose than I do.

She slowly sits back down on the couch as I lean against the wall opposite her, crossing my arms over my chest as I watch the wheels turning in her head. Her blue eyes losing their glow the longer she sat there.

The silence in the room heavy as her eyes begin to tear up.

"I can't leave." She says quietly, her eyes glassy as she looks up at me. "I can't do anything on my own, can I?"

I didn't answer as her cheeks turned red and her head fell in her lap. Her thick brown-golden hair hanging in front of her face like a heavy curtain as she sobbed loudly. Her hiccuping sobs filling the space of my living room making Bubba perk up from his bed staring at her.

I head over to the kitchen grabbing paper towels and walk back handing them to her.

"If you keep crying Holland is gonna know somethings up." I say as I hand them to her. She looks up, her face red and something in me felt sorry for her. "C'mon clean yourself up."

She nods and taking the paper towel from me blowing her nose loudly.

"You remind me of my little sister when you cry." I state as I head to my room. Coming back with a lit joint I take a pull before passing it to Christine. She looks at it in confusion then looks back up to me before taking it.

She mimics me, taking a too large pull before coughing hard. The smoke expanding around her with every cough, a smile tugging at my lips as I try to keep myself from laughing.

"I fo-cough-forgot you had siblings."

"Yeah well, sometimes I do too." I say with a shrug, taking the blunt back from her. Smoking as I sit on the couch beside her. "Sabrina, that's her name. She's not a bad kid and she's still got a lot of growing up to do. But when ever she throws a tantrum she cries exactly like you."

Christine sniffles as I laugh at the memory. "I don't have any siblings. I wonder what's it like growing up with siblings."

"A lot of fighting, crying, shit being stolen and being blamed for things that wasn't your fault." I say as I blow a smoke ring into the air and passing the blunt back to Christine.

"When you make is sound like that, it doesn't sound as appealing anymore." She gives a half hearted laugh as she tries again with the joint.

"No, don't get me wrong. I don't hate my siblings. When Sabrina and Jayson were born, I thought they were the cutest things ever. I spent almost all my time with them, if I wasn't with-" I stop myself. Clearing my throat, I continue. "Anyways, I'd play with them, sometimes make meals for them. Help them with homework from school, and they would hold onto my legs when ever we'd go somewhere."

"I think you would have made an amazing big sister." Christine says as she hands me the blunt back. I laugh as I take a pull. Leaning back on the sofa as I close my eyes blowing the smoke into the air.

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