Ensemble Day

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Paisley's POV

"And...no more cards. I'm out." Jon sighed from where he was sitting on the floor, looking extremely disappointed.

"Which means I win. Bite me, Rua." Daveed said cockily, putting down his pile of playing cards. Jon immediately stood up to walk over to Daveed who shrieked and made a cross with his two pointer fingers, holding it out as if to repent Jon. "Don't actually bite me you weirdo!"

"Then don't tell me to." Jon said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I watched from my spot on the couch as Chris walked in, adorned in a full suit.

"Look at you, hot stuff." Jon said, only causing Chris to roll his eyes.

"Sit upright, Paisley." He said when his eyes fell on me, referring to my position on the couch. I was sitting upside down, my legs where the top of the couch is while my head hung off the bottom of the couch.

"Why? This is fun." I grinned a little.

"The blood is going to rush to your head and you're going to pass out. Please sit up."

He sounded genuinely concerned. But it was fine, it wasn't a huge deal. I've been sitting like this for a solid five minutes already and I'm still conscious.

"But it's comedic." I retorted, Chris immediately giving me a look.

"What about any of that is comedic?"

"You're upside down. Upside down Chris." I laughed a little, referring to a very cranky looking Chris who was upside down from my point of view.

"Oh my god! That is comedic!" Jazzy laughed a little from her spot at the vanity.

"What would your dad say?" Chris asked, still looking not happy.

"He would agree that this is comedic." I said. Chris let out a loud sigh, clearly dropping this subject.

"And you? We have to leave for our interview in ten minutes...why are you playing card games?" Chris scolded Daveed this time.

"What else am I gonna do? Hair and makeup? Not to be vain...but I wake up with my hair looking this good." Daveed said, running his fingers through his hair.

"Jazzy? Renée?" Chris turned to the two girls.

"Nope. Not even close." Renée said, not looking up from her phone as she appeared to be texting someone.

"Um...I'm almost done." Jazzy laughed nervously, turning to face us. One eye was bedazzled with intricate dark eyeshadow, the other not even started.

I've seen that girl do her makeup before, and I knew that for her to finish the rest would take a solid twenty minutes.

"Is anybody ready for this interview?"

"I am!" Pippa said excitedly, entering the room in a teal lace dress, her hair pinned back.

"Oh my god. I want to be you." Jasmine said from her spot at the vanity.

"I second that." Daveed said from the floor.

"You look really pretty!" I commented from the couch, Phillipa laughing a little as she tilted her head.

"Thanks! But, uh...why are you upside down? Your head is gonna hurt."

"Mhm. That's what I said." Chris said, giving me a look as he crossed his arms.

"I like sitting like this, it's funny. Everything's upside down. Like right now, you're an upside down Phillipa."

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