Familiar Faces

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Paisley's POV

"Right, now when your mom died, what were you thinking about and feeling? Was it just sadness or maybe something else?" Dr. Conan asked and I couldn't help but scoff.

"How do you think it made me feel." I mumbled, because honestly what does she expect? For me to say I felt happy that Mom died?

"I understand that you don't like me, Paisley, but sarcasm isn't going to get you anywhere here. If anything I'll have to lengthen your sessions if you're gonna keep acting like this." Conan threatened.

I really don't like her.

"Upset. Devastated."

"Why is that?" Dr. Conan asked, writing down something on her clipboard, and at this point I really thought I would lose it.

"...Because she's my mom?"

"Well yeah, but what made you upset about her dying and not being around anymore?"

I looked down, fiddling with the button on my coat and thinking for a little bit.

"Everything. There wasn't a bad quality about her." I smiled a little, thinking about Mom. God, I miss her. She was literally perfect, a living angel.

"And when she died, you were left with your stepdad, correct?"


"And what did he do?" Conan asked. I couldn't help but look down at the ground, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"Stuff." I said as bluntly as I possibly could. I don't want to talk about this, I don't want to have to relive every tiny ounce of trauma I've ever experienced. Conan snapped her notebook closed, sighing and taking off her glasses.

"That's all for today, then. Thank you, Paisley. I'll see you next Friday."

"That's it?" I asked, frowning a bit. I wasn't expecting it to be over so soon. I mean, not that I'm complaining, but still...

"This is only gonna work if you cooperate, too. I can't force things out of you, so yes. We're done for today."

"But...Lin's not gonna be here for another half an hour." I pointed out. Conan only shrugged.

Yeah, I really don't like her.

"Well make a phone call, then."

I groaned, not really wanting to call Lin. "But I can't. Things are..."

Conan looked at me curiously, picking her notebook back up. I sighed, looking out the window. I would much rather talk to the therapist than call Lin.

"Things are weird."

"Why?" She asked, looking directly at me. Jeez, I want to go home.

"They just are ever since...I don't know. He doesn't trust me to stay home by myself, they think I'm gonna hurt myself."

"Do you want to hurt yourself?" Conan asked, a straightforward question that should've been easy to answer and yet I had no clue what to say.

"I don't know...kind of. But, they literally confiscated every sharp object in the house, it's not like I could even if I wanted to." I pointed out, cringing just thinking about how uncomfortable this whole situation has become. I still can't believe they found out.

Conan looked up at me, thinking for a second. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her face was set in pure concentration. "Well...have you told them that you can't? Have you said 'Look, I should be trusted to be alone at home, I can't even hurt myself if I wanted to.'"

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