The Day After

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Paisley's POV

I tapped my fingers on the wooden table, just staring out the window.

I was currently in a holding room until they knew what to do with me...kind of like a jail.

It was cold in here, and very bleak, the only furniture being a small wooden table, a chair, and a bed. I stayed here last night, after they took me from Dad's house, and it might be a while until I even get to leave.

Taisha said it would be either a group home or foster care, and the messed up part is I don't even get to have a say in it. They just pick for me, as if it's not my life.

The door opened, and I popped my head up, very happy to have some sort of human contact for the first time in a couple hours.

"Sorry that took so long." Taisha smiled, referring to the fact that I haven't seen her since earlier this morning. I watched as she  walked over and sat on the small bed, and I turned in the chair, facing her. "How do you feel?"

I shrugged, not really sure how I felt. Tired. Definitely tired. And a little nauseous thinking about what might happen. The bruises themself don't hurt too much unless I touch them.

"We found a placement for you." Taisha said quietly. I frowned, looking up at her and feeling very shocked, because I was told they might not find somewhere for another couple of days.

I was kind of hoping they wouldn't find somewhere for another couple of days...

"Really?" I asked, causing Taisha to nod slowly.

"Foster care." She said, causing me to groan  and put my head in my hands. "I know, I'm sorry. But it's better than a group home, right?"

"They're both bad." I mumbled, hearing Taisha sigh.

"I know. I'm sorry I can't do more. But we're really lucky to have found someone on such short notice."

I didn't say anything, just staring at the floor as Taisha sighed again.

"I'll come get you when they're here." She smiled gently, standing up and walking out of the room.

I took a deep breath as she shut the door and I was finally by myself, trying desperately to calm my nerves.

My mind went back to the nightmare that was yesterday, my hand finding my way up to my neck and wincing a little as everything replayed in my head.

There's way too much going on.

Dad didn't get arrested, but they did take me from him. Taisha said I would have to go to court...for the billionth time, to testify against Dad. I'm convinced I've been to court more in my fifteen years of life than most adults have.

And now this? Foster care?

I picked up my phone, wanting to text Lin and Vanessa, or Alex, Eric...just somebody, tell them what's happening. But of course my phone was dead, and I groaned in frustration as I put it back down.

I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do. I'm freaking out.

The next hour consisted of me psyching myself out, still not able to calm down. I tried desperately to steady my breathing, but I couldn't, and my hands were shaking way too much.

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