Everything is Legal in New Jersey

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Lin's POV

Trying to parent two kids over the weekend without Vanessa was hard. Between Paisley not eating and Sebastian's meltdowns that were occurring much more than they usually did, my hands were very full.

Thankfully, Vanessa came back home on Monday, and all order was restored within the universe.

Well...all order was restored for a couple of days, because today was Jason's trial.

Which, of course, came with a huge load of anxiety from Paisley. She was much more nervous than usual, and not even Vanessa could calm her down, which is odd. Vanessa can usually calm her down.

"Paisley! Come on!" I called from the living room for the fifth time, attempting to fix my tie in the mirror, but no matter how I seemed to move the tie it just looked more and more crooked.

Vanessa walked past me, all dressed and looking as beautiful as ever. She sighed, looking down at my tie, then up at me, then down at my tie.

"Please help." I frowned, watching Vanessa grin as she walked over to me, fixing the tie in about two seconds so that it was sitting perfectly. "You're unreal."

"Mhm." Vanessa said, walking away and over to the kitchen.

I'm seriously convinced there's nothing that woman can't do.

"Is Paisley up?" Vanessa asked, preparing breakfast for Sebastian.

"I have no clue. I've called for her five times."

"Well make sure she is. We have to leave soon." Vanessa pointed out. I nodded, making my way down the hall to Paisley's bedroom and slowly opening the door.

Paisley wasn't asleep like I thought she would be. She was just kind of laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Come on. We've got to go soon." I said, but that did nothing to break Paisley out of her weird little trance.

"I've decided I'm not gonna go today, but thank you anyway." Paisley said very seriously. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"That's not really a choice you get to make. Come on, P. Get dressed and let's get going."

"Seriously though. Not showing up for court is...what, a year or two in jail? I could do that." Paisley whispered to herself, and at this point I was fully convinced that my daughter had gone clinically insane.

I walked over to her, snapping my fingers in front of her face, causing her to frown and look over at me.

"You're losing it, kid. V and I will be right there the entire time, okay? Now please, go get dressed." I said, earning a loud sigh from Paisley. "Also...you're a minor. V and I would face the criminal charges for you not showing up in court. Do you want us in jail?"

"Point made, point made." Paisley sighed, getting out of bed and walking over to her bathroom, shutting the door behind her. I smiled, feeling very accomplished that I got the teenager out of bed, which has proved to be a bit of a challenge recently.

I walked out of Paisley's bedroom and towards the kitchen, trying to help Vanessa get breakfast ready for the kiddos.

Paisley walked out of her bedroom after a few minutes, making a beeline for the small closet by the door, pulling on a light jacket over her dress...even though it was already the beginning of June. Got to love New York weather.

"Breakfast." Vanessa reminded Paisley. Paisley only stood by the door though, not making any effort to move.

"Please." I sighed, not wanting to get into a battle over breakfast this early. Today was going to be a very stressful day and we were already starting off on the wrong foot.

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