I'm Trying

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Paisley's POV

I followed Lin down the card section, watching as he stopped pushing his cart, looking carefully over the endless sea of cards for all types of occasions.

He turned to me, holding two cards out. "Which one?"

Tomorrow was Mother's Day, which naturally meant that tonight Lin was doing all of his last minute shopping for Vanessa and his mom.

"For Vanessa?" I asked, earning a nod from Lin. I looked over the two different cards. One was purple, with pink little hearts all over, and the other was blue, with an assortment of small flowers and butterflies. "Um...blue?"

Lin scrunched his nose, looking down at the two. "Really? I was thinking purple."

"But look at the butterflies." I pointed to the blue card.

"But look at the little hearts." Lin countered, holding up the purple card. I only shook my head.

"Blue. Definitely blue."

Lin turned to Sebastian who was sitting in the front of the cart, holding out the two cards to him. "Alright, buddy, you're our tiebreaker. Which one?"

"Puppy!" Sebastian yelled. Lin frowned, looking down at the two cards before looking back over at me.

"I'm taking that as purple." He said as he put the purple card in the cart with the multiple bouquets of flowers.

Multiple, because according to Lin, "Vanessa deserves all the flowers in the world."

"That's not fair. He said puppy, not purple." I pointed out, to which Lin only shrugged. I followed Lin as he started to push the cart. But Sebastian yelped out, causing Lin to immediately stop.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked, seeming panicked. Sebastian's gaze wasn't focused on Lin, though, but rather the area behind Lin.

"Puppy!" Sebastian yelled even louder than before, pointing behind Lin.

Lin and I both turned, and turns out there was a puppy in the aisle over, Sebastian wasn't crazy. But the dog had a red vest on, and it was very clear that it was a service dog.

"The puppy's at work, Seb, we can't bother him right now." Lin said gently as he started to push the cart away.

"Puppy?" Sebastian whined, holding his arms out. It was very evident that he just wanted to pet the dog, but of course he couldn't.

Lin only continued to roll the cart, farther and farther away from the dog.

"Puppy." Sebastian whimpered, and watching Sebastian get pulled away from the dog made my heart hurt.

"You need to find a puppy for him to pet. This is so sad." I whispered to Lin. Lin sighed, continuing to roll the cart.

"You'll be okay, Seb. We'll go home after this and you can play with Tobi!"

But Sebastian started crying, earning the attention of all the nearby shoppers.

Lin sighed, picking Seb up from out of the cart and holding him, trying to cheer him up.

"Let's go find a present for Mommy, yeah? You can pick out anything you want!" Lin said excitedly to Seb.

"Puppy." Sebastian cried in response.

"Except that. Tobi would hate us if we brought home a puppy." Lin mumbled. I took over cart duties, Lin walking with Sebastian.

When Lin promised Seb that he could pick anything out, I think he expected him to pick out a stuffed animal, or a box of chocolates.

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