Eating, Nightmares, And...Zombies?

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Paisley's POV

I shook my head, looking the other way. They had been trying to get through to me all last night and this morning, but I didn't care. Lin and Vanessa only sighed, sharing a concerned look. I'm not going to the doctor! I'm fine!

"I already made an appointment for today." Lin sighed. I didn't care, I just looked the other way.

"Come on Paisley, please." Vanessa begged. I looked up at her and she gave me a sad smile. I shook my head, not giving in.

"You can't just give us the silent treatment." Lin sighed. I looked at him in pure annoyance, showing him my left pinky. He looked confused, but then burst out laughing.

"Are you trying to flip me off?" He laughed. I nodded, and he laughed even harder. "Real cute sweetie, real cute."

That smart comment just earned him another pinky, and by then Lin was almost on the floor crying.

"Lin, stop being stupid. And Paisley, you better get in that car or so help me." Vanessa warned. I only rolled my eyes, not caring.

"Or so help her." Lin echoed quietly, causing me to give him a look because he's being stupid. Actually, they're both being stupid because I DON'T NEED TO GO TO THE DOCTOR! IT WAS JUST A LITTLE STOMACH ACHE I'M FINE NOW.

"Fine. I guess you'll just have to sit around the apartment and watch Star Wars with Lin all day." Vanessa sighed. My eyes widened and I shuddered at the thought of having to watch Star Wars all day with Lin, but going to the doctor scared me more. I huffed, crossing my arms and staying grounded.

"Alright, I guess we have to do this the hard way." Lin sighed, walking over to me and picking me up. I struggled in his arms, trying to hit him.

"Let go of me!" I whined, only causing Lin to chuckle as he walked out of the apartment.

"Hey! You're done giving the silent treatment!" He said excitedly. I pursed my lips, forgetting that I wasn't supposed to be talking to him. I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't even notice that we were already driving down the street.

"Liiiiiiiiin." I whined, leaning my head against the window in defeat. "I'm fine, really I-"

"You were miserable yesterday, Paisley, so yeah, we're gonna go get you checked out, okay?"


"Okay, good. Nice chat." Lin mumbled, focusing on the road. I groaned, putting my head in my hands.



"Just make sure she eats three meals everyday." The doctor said, writing something down on her clipboard. I crossed my arms, staring at the wall.

"Easier said than done." Lin mumbled, only causing me to roll my eyes. Maybe if he actually heard me out instead of forcing me to do things. Lin dragging me to the doctor today is Exhibit A.

"Well you, missy," The doctor said, grabbing my attention "need to start eating more. You're way underweight for a fourteen-year-old girl."

"I do eat." I mumbled, feeling slightly embarrassed. The doctor gave me a sympathetic smile, which for some reason made me even madder.

"I know, but you just need to eat more, okay?" The doctor asked. I nodded a little, and she smiled, turning to Lin. "I suggest daily vitamins in the morning to help her growth. And she needs to eat more. Make sure she doesn't leave the table without finishing all of her food, okay?"

"Absolutely. Thank you so much." Lin said, and when the doctor left the room, I was ready to explode.

"Vitamins?! I used to take those when I was like six! I don't need vitamins!" I protested. Lin only shrugged, not looking one bit sorry.

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