Paisley+Dresses=The End Of The World

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Paisley's POV

"Hey sweetheart wake up." Vanessa softly spoke, shaking me. I sat up and looked around, noticing I was on the couch.

"How did-"

"Lin put you out here. You guys went to go get ice cream last night." She said, getting up and walking to the kitchen.

"I...I did?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. Vanessa chuckled.

"Check Twitter. Now, what do you want for breakfast?" Vanessa asked, pouring me a cup of orange juice.

I wanted to say nothing, but I've already learned that it's not an option. Apparently I need to eat something everyday. I thought for a second.

"Um...a granola bar?" I replied. I noticed something about her when I said that. Her eyes...they were filled with something.

It was worry. For a split second. Then it switched to pity. Vanessa gave me a small smile to try and cover it up.

"Alright honey." Vanessa said, grabbing a granola bar from the pantry. I sat at the bar and pulled my phone out, slowly eating my breakfast. I checked Twitter and noticed that Lin tagged me in something.

Lin-Manuel Miranda:

(Image Attached)
Ice Cream Dates @ 2 AM with @Just.Basic.Paisley. She's my favorite, sorry @VAMNit

I chuckled to myself. Vanessa stood across from me at the counter with her cup of coffee. She took a sip.

"You saw the Twitter post?" Vanessa asked, raising her eyebrows. I nodded.

"You're not mad that he took me for ice cream at 2 o'clock in the morning on a school night?" I questioned. Vanessa shrugged and took another long sip of coffee.

"I'm mad that he didn't get me any ice cream." She complained. I chuckled and got up to go get ready. I walked into my room and went over to my closet.

I decided to wear a long black dress with a white sweater. I know, I'm shocked too. I'm only wearing this because all of my flannels are in the washing machine. I took my bun out of my hair and braided it into two braids. I brushed my teeth and went to the bathroom because, well...I really needed to pee.

When I walked into the kitchen, Vanessa choked on her coffee. I laughed a little to myself.

"I'm sorry. Are you okay? Do you have a fever? Do you need to stay home?" Vanessa asked, feeling my forehead. I smiled.

"All of a sudden I wear a dress and the world is over?" I asked. Vanessa stared at me as if the answer was obvious.

"Um, yes. Come here." She said, dragging me to her and Lin's bedroom. She whacked him with a pillow.

"Lin, wake up. Lin, wake up. LIN WAKE UP!"

Lin suddenly woke up, his eyes still half closed.

"I'm up! I'm-I'm up!" Lin yelled. He rubbed his eyes and examined Vanessa and I.

"Good morning V, good morning Paisley." Lin did a double take. "PAISLEY?"

I rolled my eyes. Everyone's overreacting. Its ridiculous...and kinda funny.

"Is it really that weird that I'm wearing a dress?" I questioned, looking down at my dress.

"YES!" Vanessa and Lin yelled at the same time. I shrugged and left their bedroom.

"I'll be in the car V." I stated, walking towards the door. I heard Vanessa reply with an "Okay sweetheart." and Lin reply with a "Hey! That rhymed!"

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