Bottled Up

937 48 54

Paisley's POV

Being at the theatre proved to be a good thing, and very helpful after an incredibly awful day.

But then it came to be nighttime. The show had ended, and we were at my least favorite part of the night — stagedooring.

I've gone out there once before with Lin, and it was terrible. I mean, nothing really happened, it was just way too overwhelming. I didn't like it at all.

But the last time I went out there with him was a while ago, at least a solid month. Before Alex, before Dave, before all these weird episodes that I keep having. Before everything. I feel like it'll be ten times worse if I go out there now.

"I don't want to go out there." I said quietly to Lin.

"You don't have to. But that just means we have to find someone for you to stay with." Lin said. He would be stagedooring all this week, and I knew he was trying to take in every last moment.

Pretty well everyone had left though, and the cast members that hadn't were all stagedooring. Lin and I found no one as we walked the halls.

"I can't just wait in your dressing room?" I asked.

"Nope." Lin was quick to respond, and I should've figured that was the response I would receive. I'm never allowed by myself.

But...stagedooring doesn't take that long. It's pretty quick.

"Even for ten minutes-"

"Nope." Lin answered again, and I let out a sigh.

We rounded the corner, coming face to face with Anthony, and I immediately stiffened.

"Oh, Anthony! Perfect!" Lin grinned, seeming to the feel the opposite of how felt. "Is there any way that Paisley could-"

"I want to come with you." I interrupted Lin, watching as he frowned.

"But...I thought you said-"

"No. I want to come with you." I insisted. Lin looked a little confused, but he didn't question it.

"Alright, uh...never mind then, sorry. Have a good night."

"You too." Anthony spoke quietly, walking past the both of us.

We had walked away a little bit before Lin finally spoke up.

"Why the change of heart?" Lin asked as we approached the metal door.

Honestly...Anthony and I are very weird. Ever since that day he came to the theatre and told Lin that I had tried to overdose.

We haven't had a conversation since that day. Every interaction with him is...awkward. And I don't really want to sort that awkwardness out. Maybe we'll things between us will just be weird for a while.

"Not sure. Just...need some fresh air, I guess." I answered.

"Oh okay, good idea." Lin stopped once we had reached the metal door. "This won't take long at all, I promise. You ready?"

I slowly nodded, Lin pushing the heavy metal door open.

I winced at the screams that we were instantaneously met with. The shrill pitches gave me a headache, and the amount of people here was psyching me out.

I stayed glued to Lin's side, not daring to stray so much as a foot away. I didn't like the amount of people staring at me. The talking, and the shouting, and all the faces. It's a lot to take in.

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