Cinnamon Roll? More Like Linnamon Roll.

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Paisley's POV

I slowly walked into the kitchen. Lin left to go to the theater and Sebastian was taking a nap, so it was just Vanessa and I.

I awkwardly sat down at the kitchen bar. Vanessa looked up from her laptop.

"Hey! What's up?" She exclaimed. I did an awkward little shrug thing.


"Stuff. A lot, I guess." Wow. Nice job Paisley. Real smooth.

I got a text notification from an unknown number.

Unknown: Smooth Paisley. Real smooth.

I looked at my phone in disbelief. How did the person know what I said? Were they in the house?

Paisley: Who are you? How do you have my number?

Unknown: I am the Giver. I know all.

Isn't "The Giver" a book? I'm going crazy. I was really scared too. I turned to Vanessa.

"Hey, Vanessa. I think someone's in the house." I said. Vanessa gave me a sideways look.

Unknown: Actually, it's an apartment. Not a house.

"See!" I yelped when I received another text. I handed Vanessa the phone. She looked at it, seeming extremely confused as pressed the call button. There was a ring from...the kitchen? It was underneath the sink in the cabinet.

When I opened it, out tumbled Lin, cracking up. Vanessa rolled her eyes and returned back to her laptop on the couch.

"I...I thought you were at the theater today." I stuttered. Lin laughed harder, shaking his head. It's really not that funny. Lin's just overreacting.

"I have a break, so I thought...why not...hide in a kitchen cabinet?" He said, beaming. I gave him a look, watching as he frowned. "Don't look at me like that. I have a shred of dignity left."

"A shred?"

"Mhm. Don't take that away from me."

I rolled my eyes as I sat back down at the kitchen bar, texting Kat.

Paisley: Lin's a meanie. :'(

Kit Kat: NO HE'S LIKE A PUPPY!! HE'S SUCH A CINNAMON ROLL! He's a linnamon roll.

So after that I immediately shut my phone off because the conversation had gotten very weird very fast. I turned to Lin who was on his phone next to me.

"How did you get my number?" I asked, still a little traumatized by what just took place. Lin ignored me and kept typing stuff on his phone. Okay then.

I got on my phone and-

Lin-Manuel Miranda has requested to follow you!

It looks like Lin found my Twitter account. Fabulous.

I looked up at Lin and gave him a look. He looked up at me and laughed when he saw my face.

"What?" He asked innocently. I rolled my eyes and tried to start up a conversation like I did earlier.

"How did you get my number?" I tried again, but Lin only shrugged.


"Pippa? Who the heck is Pippa? Pippa Middleton? I'm not that popular, Lin." I said. Lin patted my head.

"I meant Phillipa. We call her Pippa, little cinnamon roll." I felt my cheeks burn up. Wait...WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP TALKING ABOUT CINNAMON ROLLS!?

"What is it with you constantly being associated with cinnamon rolls?" I asked, extremely confused.

"It just is. You need to accept that fact in order to move on in life." Lin said, turning his attention back to his phone. Wow, so I'm extremely confused.

A notification popped up on my lock screen.

Lin-Manuel Miranda tagged you in...

"Lin..." I said, unlocking my phone. Lin giggled like a school girl.

"Read it. Read it. Read it." Lin slowly chanted, banging the counter.

"Lin, shut up." Vanessa said, not taking her eyes off of her computer screen. I looked down at the tweet Lin tagged me in.

Lin-Manuel Miranda:
Linammon roll > cinnamon roll

I got so many follow notifications seconds later, it's not even funny. The even crazier thing is how many likes and retweets he got for talking about cinnamon roll preferences.

"Are they just following me because you mentioned me in a tweet?" I asked in disbelief. I guess Lin's more popular than I thought...

"Yupper. You are so very welcome." Lin teased. Ugh, whatever.

Lin got up and walked over to the pantry. He pulled out a banana and gave it to me.

"Eat." He said, sitting down next to me on his phone. I tensed up a little looking at the banana. I haven't had food since yesterday morning. I don't really want to eat it. I'm not's like I'm hungry, but I'm not. After a minute of me not doing anything, Lin looked over at me.

"You okay?" He asked waving a hand in front of my face. I nodded.

"Yeah, I don't like bananas." I said. Lin shrugged.

"Okay. Sorry, I'll give you something else." Lin started, standing up and taking my banana.

"No it's okay. I'm not hungry." I said. Lin looked confused.

"When's the last time you ate?"

"Yesterday. But I'm fine, I'm just not that hungry."

"So that's why you're so underweight." Lin whispered. I think he meant to say that to himself, but I definitely heard him.

"I'm sorry?" I asked in shock. Lin looked at me.

"How much do you weigh?" He asked. Woah, okay. That's a little too personal for my comfort.

"That's not something you need to know." I whispered. Lin was quiet for a minute.

"I'm sorry, I should've realized I'd overstepped my boundaries." Lin said.

Yeah, you should've realized you'd overstepped your boundaries. I'm extremely sensitive about my body. Especially after what happened with...Dustin...and...everything Eric had to go through.

I shuddered and tried to push the thought out of my mind as Lin awkwardly stood in the kitchen. I returned my attention back to my phone and Lin did the dishes. I'm pretty sure Vanessa doesn't have a clue what's going on.

That whole Eric situation was the worst...


I've been sick lately, yuck :(
On another note: I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I hope you continue to read this book. Thank you so much!

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