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Paisley's POV

Today was the day.

It's weird...I knew this week would go painfully quick, but I didn't think it would go this quick. I feel like I barely blinked, and we're already here.

I surveyed my empty walls one last time, looking over everything. This used to be my bedroom, with clothes in the closet and books on the shelves, pictures on the wall.

But now it's just a room with a bed and some empty furniture.

I wonder what they'll do with my room. Maybe they'll turn it into another office, or a home gym or something. Almost like it was never a bedroom to begin with, like I was never here.

I pulled my last suitcase behind me, turning and walking out of my room for good.

The living room was extremely crowded, quite literally everyone that we know was here to say goodbye. They've been here all day, and luckily I've been able to hide in my room for a little bit to try not to get myself overwhelmed.

But it'll be time to say goodbye soon, we'll need to get to the airport.

I smiled when I saw Leslie approaching me, a smile on his face as he helped me bring the rest of my bags over to the corner of the room.

"L.A. living, huh?"


Leslie shook his head, pulling me into a side hug. "You'll love it."

And maybe I would.

But not with him.

Before I was able to say anything else to Leslie, Phillipa swooped in, locking elbows with me and walking me to the other side of the room.

It's weird, it's like a big party, and I'm the center of attention, everyone trying to steal me.

Except you're supposed to celebrate at parties.

This is most definitely not a celebration.

"So when are you coming back?" Pippa asked as we walked, pushing past various people.

"I don't know. Probably not for a while." I sighed. Dad's so controlling, and so unbelievably selfish. I don't think he'll ever let me come back.

Pippa frowned, looking upset. "Well maybe we can-"

"I don't want you to go!" Jasmine said as she quickly pulled me into a hug, looking like she was about to cry. I frowned a bit as I hugged her back. Weirdly enough I don't think I can cry.

Last night was awful.

It was supposed to be fun, the three of us were supposed to watch a movie, or play board games, or do something to take our minds off of everything and just have one more good night.

But none of that happened because we all kind of broke down, which was terrible. I cried so much last night I genuinely don't think I have anymore tears left.

"Is she crying again?" I heard Anthony ask as he walked over to us. I grinned a little, knowing Jasmine would not be happy with that remark.

"Leave me alone!"

I laughed, watching Phillipa try to pull Jasmine off of me.

"Come on, Jaz, you need to give other people a turn to say goodbye." She said quietly. Jasmine sighed, hugging me tightly one more time before pulling away, letting Phillipa immediately pull her into a hug.

"Have fun in Cali, kiddo." Anthony said as he pulled me into a hug.

"I'll try."

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