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Lin's POV

Some days were very good, and some days were very bad.

Things have been relatively okay the past few days.

I mean...rough obviously in regards to Paisley. But there's always been a silver lining throughout the colossal hardships.

She's been consistent with her eating, and she talks to us about how she's feeling, and now I'm Dad. That's got to be the highlight of the decade.

I cleared the happy thoughts though, focusing back to the task at hand.

Some days Paisley rolls right out of bed, and some days I have to all but pry her away from the covers. Some days are very good, and some days are very bad.

Today was a very bad one.

I let out a loud sigh when I reached Paisley's doorframe, the teenager in the same exact position as when I had checked on her minutes ago.

"Paisley, please. Come on." I looked down at my watch, feeling anxious about the time. "I was supposed to be at sound check fifteen minutes ago. We need to go now."

But Paisley didn't make a move to get up, and she didn't say anything either. She just laid there, not doing anything.

Today was clearly a day that she didn't want to get out of bed, but there's really no other option. Vanessa's already left with Sebastian, and there's no way she's staying here by herself.

Even with the past few days being rough, she's been wanting to go to the theatre considering this is my last week. She's been super compliant about getting out of bed.

"Paisley. Please." I sighed, trying one more time. But the girl was unresponsive, so I decided to try and get her out of bed myself.

Except the moment I placed my hand on her back, she let out a loud and broken sob.

"Woah, okay, okay. I'm sorry." I apologized, quickly retracting my hand. I frowned as I watched the girl in front of me cry loudly, her body racking with sobs.

"I didn't mean to make you upset, I'm sorry." I apologized again, not knowing what the problem was and hoping that I wasn't part of it. "Come on, talk to me, what's wrong?"

But the way that she was crying made it very evident that she wouldn't be talking to me, and it was also very evident that something had upset her deeply.

I sighed, just sitting there and watching Paisley cry, not knowing how to console her or magically make things better.

I can't drag her to the theatre like this...right?

I didn't say anything, only standing up and leaving her room. She didn't seem to want my comfort, and I knew she probably just needed a few minutes to decompress by herself.

I headed to the kitchen, ready to make tea. I can't magically make things better, but tea most definitely can.

I dialed Tommy's number, pressing the phone up to my ear as I began to boil the water.

"Hey! Not gonna be there tonight."

"I'm sorry?" He asked, probably because I was springing the news on him in the middle of sound check. But there's still a few more hours until show, they've still got time to get Javi or Jon prepared.

"I have a very emotional teenager on my hands." I explained. But Tommy stayed silent, and I could practically see him standing in the wings, rubbing his temples and failing to comprehend what on Earth I was thinking.

"I mean...I get that...but it's your last week..."

"Mhm. Which means I still have a few more shows." I pointed out.

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