Bad Dad

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Lin's POV

I thought the last day of school was supposed to be the easiest day of the year. It's a fun day, a happy day, a stress-free day. Which is why I told Vanessa that she should leave early, go grab coffee for herself before work and I would take care of seeing Paisley off to school and getting Seb up. I had everything under control.

Mistake number one.

"Lin?" Paisley asked as she walked into the living room, looking very stressed. "I can't find Teddy."

"What?" I looked up from my laptop, not sure what her stuffed bear had to do with getting ready for the last day of school.

"I can't find him. He was on my bed last night but...but Vanessa washed my sheets and now he's gone. You have to help me find him." Paisley's eyes were frantic. And I know how much the bear means to her...but right now? On the last day of school? At 7:00 in the morning?

I looked down at my watch, looking back up at her. "You've got thirty minutes, P. You're still in your pajamas and you haven't eaten breakfast. Why don't you get ready and I'll look for him?"

But Paisley didn't like that idea at all, quickly shaking her head. "No, I...I need to know he's okay."

"Okay, uh...let's look." I looked down at my watch again, feeling a tiny bit nervous that we were cutting time so close, but I closed my laptop nonetheless and got up to look for this bear.

My man was not anywhere.

The more we looked, the more anxious Paisley grew that the teddy bear had seemed to magically disappeared.

"It's okay, we'll find him." I tried to reassure her, checking the laundry room for the fourth time.

"No. He's...he's probably gone forever. I'll never see him again." Paisley groaned, her mind going straight to worst possible case scenario.

"He's got to be around here somewhere. We'll find him soon, okay? Why don't you go get ready." I suggested, Paisley seeming to immediately hate that idea as she shook her head.

"No, no I have to-"

"I promise I won't stop looking, okay? But you have to go get ready."

Paisley hesitated, looking very much against the idea. But I guess she gave in, because she let out a sigh, turning and disappearing down the hallway and into her bedroom.

I crouched down, looking again inside the washing machine. Inside the dryer, on the top shelves, behind the washer and dryer. I looked everywhere.

I gave up on the laundry room, coming to the conclusion that the bear wasn't there.

I flipped the light off and walked out, ready to give the living room another try when I heard Sebastian begin to cry loudly from his bedroom.

I began to walk to Seb's room when I heard Paisley call my name, her tone extremely panicked, and I found myself split.

Crying baby or panicky teenager? Crying baby or panicky teenager?

Crying baby first, then panicky teenager. That way I can console the crying baby whilst helping the panicky teenager with whatever is making her so panicky, and bam. Kill two birds with one stone.

"One minute, P!" I called loudly, making my way to Sebastian's room.

I scooped Seb up, attempting to calm him down whilst making my way out of his room and into Paisley's.

"What's up?" I was very out of breath from rushing around, my hearing probably deteriorating with Seb wailing on my shoulder right next to my ear.

Paisley stood there, holding up what looked like several shredded pieces of paper, which were scattered all around the room as well. "This is my final paper. Tobi...Tobi ate it. I have to turn this in, this is half my grade, I'm gonna fail my English finals...oh my god, I'm dead, Ms. Davis is going to slaughter me, I...I...I..."

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