I Made a Mistake

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Paisley's POV

"...and now I have to call Brandon and explain everything." I groaned, covering my face with my hands.

"It's not that big of a deal." Winter shrugged. I groaned again.

"It is because Lin's an idiot and now-"

I looked down at my phone to see that I had gotten a notification from the idiot himself. I unlocked my phone and opened my messages.

Lin-Diesel: Hi. I'm sorry.

I only laughed, turning my phone off. Winter looked at me sideways. I don't need to hear from Lin. If he was sorry he wouldn't have taken a six hour nap (which on Twitter, after he stated he had a six hour nap, he said "Life is good" so props to him)

Lin-Diesel: dum dum you have ur read tags on

Lin-Diesel: I'm sorrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy

"He sounds desperate just forgive and forget Pay." Winter laughed getting on her own phone.


Paisley: I bet


Paisley: bye Lin

Lin-Diesel: wAAAAAiiiit

Lin-Diesel: I'm really really sorry

I sighed, turning my phone off. I layed in the bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking over some things. Thinking over a lot of things.

"Thanks for letting me come over." I said, noticing Winter smile a little.

"No problemo. Also, I'm pretty sure my mom likes you more than me, so she doesn't mind either." Winter frowned, causing me to laugh a little.

I decided to try and sleep, silencing my phone and ignoring Lin's messages.


"Wake uuuuuuuup!" Winter yelled, hitting me with a pillow. I groaned putting my head under my pillow.

"What time is it?" I mumbled, not really caring but it was kind of hard to not care when Winter was repeatedly hitting me with a pillow.

"Almost 11:00. Now get up your dad's here." Winter said, continuing to hit me. I only sighed.

"Winter, he's not my dad he..." I sat up when I realized what she had said. "Wait...why is he here!?"

"I don't know. My mom is talking to him and she told me to wake you up. So get up." Winter said, continuing to hit me with the pillow. I groaned again, getting up and gathering my stuff. I didn't bother to change out of my pajamas because why not? Screw it.

When Winter and I walked downstairs, sure enough, there was Lin, standing by the front door and talking with Winter's mom. Lin stopped talking and smiled a little.

"Ready to go, kiddo?" Lin asked. I only nodded, walking out of the door after politely saying goodbye to Winter and her mom.

We walked out to the car, neither of us speaking. I got in the front as Lin started the car and started driving. It was pretty funny, actually. You could just tell that Lin felt extremely awkward and uncomfortable.

"So..." He said after what seemed like forever, clearing his throat. "Nice weather we're having, huh?"

I looked out the window.

It was raining and there was a pretty severe thunderstorm, so no, not nice weather we're having Lin.

"Oops. I guess not, huh?" Lin laughed, looking over at me to see if I would join but stopped when he noticed that I was not amused.

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