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Paisley's POV

"That looks hard." I commented, sitting at the kitchen table across from Jess, who looked seconds away from having a total breakdown. Her notebooks and flash cards were sprawled all across the table, her laptop planted in front of her as she studied for her board exam tomorrow.

"It's awful. But if I pass this test, I'm finally done with med school, and I get to be an actual nurse!" She smiled, causing my thoughts to wander. If Jess got a job as a nurse, she definitely wouldn't have time to be a babysitter anymore. Who would watch Seb? It's not like I can, Lin and Vanessa don't even trust me to take care of myself.

But just as Jess was highlighting something in her textbook, Seb started to cry, and she immediately got up and made her way to his room.

I looked down at my phone, just now noticing the array of text messages I had gotten.

Lin-Diesel: Show just ended, headed to the airport now. I love you very much and I hope you have a good night. Please call me if anything's wrong.

Lin-Diesel: Also friendly reminder to please not kill my child nor my dog this weekend.

Paisley: I won't kill your child nor your dog.

Lin-Diesel: Wonderful, that's all I ask.

Lin-Diesel: Have fun with everyone tonight kiddo!! Don't stay up too late

Lin-Diesel: And seriously. Please call me if you're upset or something's wrong or you just want to talk. My phone will be on sound all weekend, so even if it's the middle of the night, please call me.

Paisley: I pinky promise I'll call you. Have fun with the security checkpoints!

Lin-Diesel: Ugh :(

I grinned a little, moving on to the other messages that I had received.

From: The Schuyler Sisters...& Paisley

Pippa: Hey! Just got out of costumes, headed to the grocery store right now to pick up candy for our sleepover :)

Ray: And wine. But that's not for you.

Jaz: Do you want gumdrops or licorice, Paisley?

Jaz: ?


Jaz: If you don't answer we're getting both

Paisley: Sorry! Um...I don't really like either but you guys can still get them :)


Pippa: I think those are old lady candies nowadays

Ray: Which explains why I love both, noted. Thank you for that, Phillipa.

Pippa: Never said you were old, just making a point lol

Jaz: We'll pick up more youthful candy on the way out for you

Paisley: ...What is youthful candy?

Jaz: I don't know...M&M's? Skittles?

Paisley: Those aren't youthful candies either though

Jaz: Okay well we'll just get a bunch of stuff and you can pick. Deal? Deal.

I smiled a bit, putting my phone away as Jess came back over to the table, no trace of Sebastian's crying to be heard. She can always get him to stop crying, miraculously. It's insane, he loves her. I don't know how he's gonna react when she has to stop babysitting and start devoting her time to a full-time job.

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