She'll Be Back

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Paisley's POV

I stood alone at the baggage claim, watching the conveyor belt whir endlessly as it brought out more and more luggage.

Mine had yet to come out. I'd already been waiting for ten minutes, and at this rate my luggage will never come out.

Not that that would be a problem. I hope I do have to stay here forever, I hope I don't have to actually see Dad.

Unfortunately not even five seconds later, my bags came around, and I quickly grabbed them, starting my walk down to the main entrance.

LAX seems so much bigger since the last time I was here in July. I don't know, maybe because we were all together. Now I'm alone. I feel overwhelmingly tiny compared to everyone else, and I felt a teensy bit anxious because it was almost like everyone knew I didn't belong here.

But the anxiety quickly left my brain as I caught sight of Dad, the small piece of paper held to his chest reading: Paisley Miles.

I scowled, hanging my head lower as I veered to the left, hoping he wouldn't see me, hoping he wouldn't speak to me, hoping I wouldn't actually have to go with him, hoping-

"Paisley!" I heard his stupid voice call. I groaned, turning around to immediately be met by Dad. "You didn't see my sign?"

"That's not my name." I mumbled. Dad only grinned, chuckling like he thought I was joking.

"I can't believe you're here. I didn't think they'd actually let you come."

" neither." I sighed, trying to get the picture out of my head. I know they did what they had to, I know they didn't want us to get in trouble...but it still stings for some reason. I thought they'd let me stay if I asked, we could've worked something out.

I didn't think they'd actually leave.

"Let me help-"

"I've got it." I shut him down, pulling my suitcase away. Of course the move that was supposed to annoy him only made him laugh, which made me annoyed.

"Well then I guess we better get going." He smiled, walking towards the doors. I slowly trudged behind him, pulling my luggage along.

When we got to Dad's car, he quickly loaded the bags, getting in and starting the car.

Now I've been in tons of tense car rides with Lin and Vanessa, even while we're in the middle of an argument or something...but none of them even come close to how unbearably uncomfortable the ride was.

Neither of us said a word the entire time. And silence usually doesn't bother me...but this was just awful.

I kept my eyes out the window, looking at the heavy Los Angeles traffic, even now at nighttime. Thinking of the last time I was here. Lin was complaining about parking and Seb was pointing out every single mailbox and Vanessa was-

"So you like L.A?" Dad asked me, clearing his throat as he was obviously trying to start up a conversation.

"No." I mumbled, not making an effort to look over at him. "I miss New York."

"Yeah," Dad laughed a bit, shaking his head.
"New York was the best. I loved it."

"If you loved it so much then why'd you leave." I snapped, looking over at Dad to see a set frown on his face. He opened his mouth, looking ready to say something before quickly stopping and closing it again.

And back to the awkward silence again.

I slipped my phone out from my back pocket, noticing a text message.

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