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Paisley's POV

"Paisley!" I was woken up by Lin shaking me awake. I quickly sat up, wondering why I was being woken up. Lin and Vanessa always let me sleep in pretty late, so I don't know why it's so urgent that I'm woken up at a little past 7:30.

I looked up at him, waiting for some sort of explanation because I was highly confused.

"You forgot to set your alarm. First session at eight, remember?" Lin reminded, causing me to immediately groan and bury my head under the pillows. Lin chuckled a little. "Get changed please, I'll be waiting for you in the car."

After a whole lot of struggle and a battle to keep my eyes open, I finally forced myself out of bed. I brushed my teeth and hair before slipping on a hoodie and a pair of leggings. Giving myself one last look in the mirror before I left. I looked absolutely dreadful and extremely dead inside, but it's just the mean therapist. Who cares?

I walked out the door, locking it behind me and heading down to Lin's car. He was sitting in it like he had said and was focused on something on his phone. When I finally opened the door and got in, Lin put his phone down and started to drive away to the scary place.

"So," Lin started, keeping his eyes on the busy New York streets as he talked. "When I pick you up, you're gonna come to the theater with me."

"Uh, well I have a date tonight, so..." I trailed off, waiting for Lin to start laughing and talk about how much he hated Brandon, but he only smiled.

"What time?"

"8, I think."

"Yeah we'll be back in time. Sounds fun."

No sarcasm, no hint of disgust, nothing.

"And?" I asked, waiting for Lin to grin and start making fun of Brandon. He just looked confused.

"And...I hope you have a good time?" He asked, not knowing what else to say. I frowned, looking over at him.

"Okay, just because I'm sad doesn't mean you have to force yourself to be nice to him, I-"

"I don't dislike him, Paisley. He's just so easy to make fun of, that's the only reason I do it." He chuckled a bit. I opened my mouth to say something, but immediately shut it when the car came to a stop right outside of a gray building. Lin gave me a small smile before turning the car off and getting out. I took a deep breath before following him.

"Name?" A lady at the front desk asked as soon as we walked in.

"Paisley Miranda."

"Paisley Miranda." The woman repeated to herself, looking down at her computer before looking back up at us. "Dr. Conan is waiting for you, fourth door on your left down the hall."

I sighed, following Lin as he started walking. We finally got to the fourth door which was open, and a woman was waiting. She looked up when she saw us.

"Paisley, I'm assuming?" The lady asked. I slowly nodded, causing her to smile. "Come on in, take a seat."

I walked over and sat down in a very comfy chair opposite the lady's desk. Lin only stood in the doorway.

"Alright Skipper, I'll be back in an hour, just-"

"Oh...you're leaving?" The therapist frowned, causing Lin to frown too.

"Uh...I mean this is Paisley's therapy session. I thought the whole point was for her to tell you stuff so she didn't have to tell me stuff." Lin pointed out. The lady only shrugged.

"Usually most parents stay for the first one. To get things comfortable. We won't talk about anything too personal today."

Lin nodded, walking over and taking the seat next to me. The lady closed her door, walking over to her desk and looking up at us.

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