Ice Cream Dates @ (3) AM: Part Two

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Paisley's POV
One Month Later
(August 17)

Lex: i stg if summer doesn't slow tf down imma cry

Wintergreen: i knowwwww. i heard sophomore year is the hardest :/

I turned over to Alex, looking at her thoughtfully. "Is sophomore year the hardest?"

Alex shook her head, not looking up from her phone. "I heard it was junior year."

Paisley: I heard it was junior year

Lex: The dum dum doesn't know that I'm the one that told her.

Wintergreen: lmao you guys are together?

Vi: yes

Wintergreen: Vio's there too?! So everyone's hanging out without me? :/

Paisley: no

Lex: no

Vi: yeah we're at Alex's house.

"Violet!" Alex groaned. Violet looked up, seeming confused as if she hadn't said anything wrong.

Wintergreen: Why wasn't I invited? ;(

"Because you're being a meanie." Alex mumbled under her breath.

Vi: Alex said because you're being a meanie :(

"VIOLET!" Alex yelled, pinching Violet's arm. Violet whined, rubbing her arm from where she had just been pinched.

"Okay...but why are you mad at Winter?" I asked slowly, scared Alex was gonna tear me apart. Luckily, Alex only sighed, staring at her ceiling and looking quite distressed.

"She's meddling. She needs to stop being so involved with my life, it's annoying." Alex groaned, looking back at her phone. I looked down at my own phone too.

Paisley: smh so much drama :/

Lin-Diesel: I n e e d the 411

Lin-Diesel: do spill

I laughed a little to myself, mostly at how quickly Lin texted me back and the fact that this is how he's choosing to spend a night off.

Paisley: Dang it, just slipped my mind :(

Lin-Diesel: It better unslip your mind I wanna know

Lin-Diesel: It turns out that when you're home alone and all your nonexistent friends are busy, there's basically nothing to do.

Lin-Diesel: I'm coming to pick you up

Paisley: N O

Paisley: Sorry ur lonely, that sucks but don't drag me into it.

Lin-Diesel: Meanie. I just wanna hang out ;(

Paisley: Tobi's great company, buh bye :)

"Okay, so can we please talk about something else? This situation is draining me." Alex said, throwing her phone to the fluffy couch on the side of her room.

"Um...okay...well-" Violet started, but was cut off when her phone loudly went off and her screen turned on, brightening the dark room and signaling that she had just received a notification. Violet looked down at her phone, then nervously up at Alex. "It's-"

"I know who it is. Just...turn it off." Alex sighed. Violet obligated, turning her ringer off.

"I'm going to bed." I mumbled, turning my phone off and burying my head under one of Alex's decorative pillows. I hate all of this drama, I never understood why girls seemed to have an over abundance of it.

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