Where. Did. He. Hit. You.

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Paisley's POV

My phone kept going off from Kat trying to reach me. I wanted to block her, but I can't. She's been with me through everything. The divorce, my mom's death, Dustin moving in. I can't leave her. I don't know. I'm not sure what to do.

And then, there's this group of people who I met at the diner who basically forced my life story out of me. Well, no. That was Phillipa. I like her a lot. And the girl who's with her. Lin and his two friends were kind of freaking me out.

"Can you guys like leave?" Phillipa asked everyone.

"I want to stay though." The girl next to her whined.

"Okay fine. Jazzy can stay. Everyone else leave." The two guys stood up and left. Except Lin, who was still sitting next to me which was freaking me out some more. Phillipa gave Lin a look.

"No, I refuse to leave." He said, crossing his arms.

"You scare her though!" Phillipa said. Yeah, he does.

"You know what? We'll start over." Lin said, getting up and walking to the back of the diner.

"Okay...well I'm Jazzy. I'm cool and not stalkerish like him." She said and pointed to Lin. I laughed.

"I'm Paisley."

"I like that name. It's really-" just then Lin came over and interrupted Jazzy.

"Hello! I'm Lin! Creator of Hamilton!" He announced proudly.

"Wait, you made Hamilton!?" I asked. He nodded excitedly.

"Are you a fan?" He basically squealed.

"Eh. I've just heard of it before. You have to live under a rock if you live in New York and have never heard of Hamilton." He frowned.

"What? Well I also play Hamilton in Hamilton." He said proudly. Go figure. The guy who creates the biggest Broadway hit casts himself as the main role.

"I have a newfound respect for you. You don't scare me anymore." I said.

"YES!" Lin said, pumping his fist in the air.

"Anyway...to clear things up, I'm not really a fan. My best friend...er, friend is a die hard fan. Wow. Very die hard. I just like a few songs."

"Which one's your favorite?" He asked curiously.

"Oh, Helpless for sure. The girl who plays Eliza is literally perfect." Phillipa smiled proudly.


"Wait...are you serious? You play Eliza? Of course you do. Your voice is perfection."

"I play Hamilton." Lin said raising his hand.

"Cool." I said, then turned my attention back to Phillipa. "I can't believe that! That's awesome. You and the girl who plays Peggy and Maria Reynolds...oh my gosh. Both of your vocals are perfect." Phillipa laughed.

"Actually..." Jazzy said, laughing.

"OH MY GOSH! This is insane! I can't believe this! You play Peggy? And Maria Reynolds?"

"I play Hamilton." Lin said, raising his hand again.

"You said that already." Phillipa said, then turned back to me. "How do you know all of this stuff about Hamilton?" I shrugged casually.

"I know a thing or two. My friend doesn't stop obsessing over it, so I pretty much know almost everything."

"Is this the same friend from the phone call?" Phillipa asked. I sighed.

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