I'm So Sorry For Forgetting

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Paisley's POV
Friday Afternoon

"I still think you should just skip that dance. Dances are boring." Winter scowled. I sighed, keeping a lookout for Jessica's car.

"I'm going to the dance Winter. We've only discussed this about a million times." I pointed out. Winter only rolled her eyes, smiling a little.

"Come on Paisley! It's the last day of school! You don't want to come over or anything? We can have a party!" Winter said excitedly. I chuckled a little, shaking my head.

"I already have everything all planned out, I can't. Plus, I'm pretty sure Vanessa would be pretty upset if I missed it. She's more excited about it than me." I pointed out. Winter only shrugged. I noticed the familiar Mint Green Fiat pull up.

"Well if you decide the dance is too lame or you want to ditch your boy toy, please come over, I'm lonely and all three of you are going to be at the dance." Winter sighed. I laughed, walking towards the car.

"Alright, I will if plans change. See you later Winter!" I called, walking away.

"Bye! Happy summer!" I heard her call. I smiled a little because


This school year has been hands down the worst one of my life and I'm sooooo relieved it's finally over.

"Hey Paisley! Are you excited you're finally done with your first year of high school?" Jess asked, pulling out of the loop. I laughed, because duh, who isn't excited for school to be over.

"Obviously! I'm extremely excited. I absolutely despise high school." I said in disgust. Jess only chuckled, shaking her head.

"Well then get ready for college." She laughed. I shook my head, also laughing. We continued to talk about summer until Jessica brought up the dance.

"So...I heard someone's going to a dance tonight...with a boy?" Jess asked. I sighed, shaking my head because by now, Lin had probably told every person in New York about the dance.


The man spends 97% of his time on Twitter.

He very well could have.

"Yup. It should be fun." I forced a smile, tired of talking about the dance. We finally pulled up to the apartment. "Thanks for the ride Jess. Hopefully I'll see you soon."

"Yup. Bye! And I better hear every detail about this dance." Jess joked. I only laughed and nodded, heading inside and up the stairs. I unlocked the door and headed to my room, hearing Lin struggle with Sebastian about something in Sebastian's room. I grinned a little, flopping on my bed and thinking as I got a text from Brandon.

Brandon: Ready for tonight? :) I'm really excited.

I smiled to myself.

Ready indeed.

Lin's POV

"No Sebastian! Trains do NOT go in the toilet, we've discussed this!" I yelled, feeling frustrated as I tried to unclog his toilet that was filled with all kinds of toy trains; plastic, wood, you name it.

Sebastian only stood there, a giggling mess as he watched me try and fix the fact that he CLOGGED HIS TOILET WITH HIS TOY TRAINS.

"You know what Seb? I'm sure Paisley is home from school. Why don't you go see her?" I asked, praying he would go. His eyes immediately lit up.

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