I Know, I Know

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Paisley's POV

"PAISLEY!" Vanessa yelled as she burst through the door, causing me to abruptly sit up.

"What? What's wrong? Did something happen?" I asked, worried that something bad had happened. Vanessa just laughed and sat Seb down on the floor.

"No. I brought you home Chinese food. Here." She said, practically throwing the bag at me. I rolled my eyes. Vanessa sat down on the couch next to me, putting her feet up on the ottoman.

"I thought something bad happened." I said, taking out a box of rice. Vanessa shrugged.

"Sorry. What movie are we watching?" She asked.

"The Notebook. But it's almost over." I said as Vanessa sighed dreamily at the TV, causing me to look over at her. "Um...are you okay?"

"Yeah. It's just...Ryan Gosling is a snack." She said. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that."

"Oh come on Paisley! Look at him! He's so hot!" Vanessa exclaimed. I looked at her in disbelief and laughed a little.

"You're happily married! And you have a kid!" I yelled, making Vanessa laugh.

"That doesn't mean I can't still be in love with Ryan Gosling." She pointed out. I rolled my eyes.

We continued to watch it and just as the movie was ending, Lin came home.

"Hey hey hey what up fam!" Lin said, sitting on the couch next to me.

"Vanessa's in love with Ryan Gosling." I told him. Lin looked over at Vanessa.

"What! Are you serious! How could you?" Lin said, pretending to be devastated.

"Lin, I swear it was nothing." Vanessa said, playing along. She looked over at me. "You weren't supposed to say anything Paisley."

"Oops." I laughed a little. Vanessa narrowed her eyes.

"You were adopted you know." She said. Lin gasped and covered my ears with his hands.

"Vanessa! You weren't supposed to tell her!" Lin yelled. He looked at me. "We were going to tell you when you got older, I swear."

"You guys are ridiculous." I laughed, getting up to go to my room. "I'm going to bed. Good night."

"Good night!" They said in perfect unison.

I brushed my teeth and got into my pajamas, slipping into bed and texting Kat.

Kit Kat: Hey guess what?

Kit Kat: Today sucked without you.

Kit Kat: I was so alone and sad come back.

Paisley: I can't just come back lol

Kit Kat: :(

Kit Kat: buh wHy nOt

Paisley: Because Kat. Lin and Vanessa need me to go to this school because they actually have lives and it works better with their schedule if I go to a closer school

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