Eat Less, Smile More

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WARNING: The topic of anorexia is talked about in this chapter

Paisley's POV

When we got back to the apartment, I quickly got out of the car and ran up the stairs. I opened the front door and walked into my room.

I threw off those stupid white flats and that stupid dress and put on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. I immediately got into bed, letting the covers engulf me. I sat there and started thinking.

Then I started crying. A lot.

I don't even know what to do. Everything sucks. Everything is bad. I'm scared, and sad, and confused.

After a good twenty minutes, I heard a knock on my door. I immediately hid my face, knowing that Vanessa or Lin was about to come in and try to comfort me or give me some speech and I really don't want them to see me crying.

"C-come in." I said in between sobs. I heard the door as it slowly creaked open. I laid there, slowly awaiting for someone to say something. I heard the pitter patter of tiny footsteps, and at first I thought Lin had let Tobi into my room, until someone finally spoke up.

"Paisy?" Sebastian asked me, looking confused. I looked down at him and when he saw that I was crying he frowned. He held his arms up and I laughed a little, lifting him up on my bed. He climbed over my body and laid next to me. "Why sad?"

"I'm just having a bad day. That's all buddy." I sniffled. Sebastian wrapped his small arms around me, making me cry harder.

"Trains make you happy! Daddy puts on trains!"

"Here." I laughed a little bit, reaching over and grabbing my TV remote. I turned on the TV and put Chuggington on.

I watched as Sebastian beamed, turning his attention to Chuggington with his arms still wrapped around me as best as he could manage. I smiled a little and wiped my tears.

"You're good at making people feel better Sebby." I said to him. Sebastian smiled.

"Daddy gives Mommy hugs." Seb said quietly as he continued watching Chuggington. I got on my phone and went onto Twitter, looking at things people had tagged me in. Just the same as usual, because everyone literally hates me.

Lin couldn't possibly do worse @Just.Basic.Paisley

@Just.Basic.Paisley can't even begin to comprehend how privileged she is. It's disgusting.

@Just.Basic.Paisley seems awful. Did you guys see her at the Ham4Ham last week? She looked so bad lmao

I sighed and turned my phone off, looking over to see Sebastian sound asleep. I smiled and took a picture of him cuddled up next to me.

(Image attached)
Seb is good at cheering people up :)

I posted the tweet and looked at Seb, so small and innocent and always happy. I wish life could be like that all the time.

Just then, Vanessa came into my room. "Hey sorry I'm-OH MY GOSH. LIN COME IN HERE THIS IS THE CUTEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN."

I smiled a little as Lin came running in. "What's wrong is everything-OH MY GOSH!"

Sebastian woke up from his sleeping, looking very confused with all of the yelling. Vanessa smiled and went over to Sebastian, picking him up.

"It's lunch time Sebby." She said, carrying him out of the room. I sat there on my phone when I noticed that Lin was still standing in the doorway watching me.

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