I Don't Know Spanish!

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Paisley's POV

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that?" I asked. I'm almost 100% sure that I heard him incorrectly.

"Oh," he said clearing his throat,"Te estoy adoptando-"

"No, in English. I don't know Spanish." I clarified. I don't know Spanish to save my life. I take French, not Spanish. And this folks is why Google Translate is a life saver...sometimes.

Also...why did he think him saying it in Spanish would help me understand any more?

"Right, sorry. I said, I'm adopting you."

"You're...adopting me." I sat there and let the words sink in. I'm not sure whether to be grateful or angry. It all depends if I'm alive after Dustin's done with me. I'm a little bit of both, but mostly confused. Really confused. Doesn't he have a Cheerio-throwing kid? And a job?

"Yeah. You can go sit with Phillipa and Jazzy while I clear some things up." Lin said.

I nodded, standing up and leaving the room. I slowly walked over to the girls. This is way too much for my brain to process.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Phillipa asked me. I nodded and sat down in the available seat next to Jazzy.

"I'm just...confused."

"Did he tell you?" Jazzy asked. I looked up at her.

"You knew?" I asked her. She nodded.

"Yeah. He came out a little while ago and told us. I can't believe his wife agreed to it though."

"He has a wife?" I asked, extremely confused at the fact that someone actually married him. Jazzy and Phillipa burst out laughing.

"Yeah, he has a wife." Phillipa said, still laughing. Jazzy was actually laughing so hard she got hiccups.

Eventually, Lin came out. Phillipa was on her phone and Jazzy and I were having a conversation...something about Starbucks. I don't even know how we got there, we just did.

"Let's bounce." Lin said, walking out of the door. Phillipa walked up to Lin to talk to him about something. Jazzy and I were still having our conversation about weird and random things.

I followed them until we reached the Richard Rodgers theater...isn't this where they perform Hamilton?

"Um...what are we-"

"All will be explained in due time." Lin replied. Okay, not making him any less creepy...

We walked into the theater and made our way to the backstage area where Lin led me to a dressing room.

"We have a show tonight, so you're going to stay here." He said.


"Vanessa's at home working on some stuff for you but she'll be here later." Lin said, leaving the room. I looked at Phillipa for an explanation.

"His wife." Phillipa said. Jazzy burst out laughing which made Phillipa burst out laughing.

"I need to go get dressed. I'll be back." Jazzy said, leaving the room.

I sat my phone on the table and sat next to Phillipa.

"So, what's going through your mind?" Phillipa asked me. I shook my head.

"Too many things." I said, looking at the floor. This is way too much stuff to process all in one day.

"It'll all work out. In the meantime," She said, getting up, "I have to go. I'll see you soon hopefully."

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