The Schuyler Sisters...& Paisley...& Lin?

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Vanessa's POV

I sat on the couch with my laptop, trying to get some work done. It was difficult though because Sebastian kept yelling at the TV every time Swiper snuck up behind Dora.

"No es bueno!" Sebastian shrieked, covering his eyes. I laughed and put down my laptop. I got up and went into my bedroom to get Tobillo some food. I heard the front door open quietly.

"Hey Seb. Where's your mom?" Paisley asked as I heard her close the door.

"Mommy's in-"

"I'm in my bedroom Paisley." I yelled to her, walking towards the living room. I heard Paisley sprint to her room. Okay...

I walked to her room and knocked lightly.

"Hey Paisley, can I come in?" I asked, not really asking and already turning the doorknob. I saw Paisley sitting on her bed texting someone. A wave of panic hit Paisley's face but quickly went away.

"Ooh, you texting Brando?" I asked, looking at her phone. Paisley laughed.

"His name's Brandon, not Brando."

"Same difference. Did you have fun to-" I stopped when I realized something was different about her.

"Paisley?" I asked.

"Hm?" She said, still staring at her phone. I took her phone and locked it. Paisley looked up at me in confusion.

"Where's your dress?" I asked. Paisley's eyes widened.

"What dress?"

I looked at her and started laughing. She looked really scared.

"You're crazy Pay." I said, ruffling her hair and leaving. Paisley looked even more confused but just shrugged it off, walking to the shower. I walked back into the living room with Paisley's phone still in my hand when-

Text Notification (3)

Brandon :) : Hey Paisley thanks for an awesome night. Hope your dad will eventually not hate me lol.

Brandon :) : Wait sorry I shouldn't have said that i didn't mean to offend you.

Brandon :) : Nvm I'll just shut up see you on Monday.


"DORA NO!" Sebastian screamed at the top of his lungs. I stared intently at Seb. What is wrong with my child.

I blame Lin.

Phillipa's POV

As I finished "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story", the crowd erupted into applause and cheering. The cast and I respectfully bowed and after a few minutes went backstage. I wonder how Paisley responded to me texting her that Lin told us about her date. I looked at my phone and started giggling to myself.

Parsley: Oh my gosh really what'd he say.

Parsley: hullo?

Parsley: philluppaaawwaaa

Parsley: Pippa

Parsley: Peppa pig

Parsley: oink

Parsley: oh shoot I'm on a date nvm

Parsley: it's been five minutes tell me.



Parsley: Man, I'm smart.

Parsley: let me guess what song you're on

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