Lin's An Idiot

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Lin's POV

Oh, this dude is going down. Who is sick enough to beat their own child?

I walked into the police station with Phillipa, Jazzy, and Paisley trailing behind me. I walked up to the lady at the front desk.

"Hello?" The lady asked, looking up at me.

"Hi. I'd like to report child abuse." The lady's eyes widened. Her eyes drifted to Paisley's eyes behind her. "Yeah that's her."

"Name of abuser?" She asked. I turned to Paisley. "Dustin Richmond." She replied quietly.

"And your name sweetheart?"


"I'm sorry, what? Speak up please." The lady requested politely.

"Speak up." I said. Paisley looked up at me and she looked...scared of me for some reason. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm trying to help her.

I'm nice. I'm smol. I am a nice smol linnamon roll.

"Paisley Richmond." The lady nodded and went to a filing cabinet. She came back with two manilla folders in her hand.

"If you'll follow me please." The lady asked.

"I'll stay here." Jazzy said, sitting down in a chair. Phillipa, Paisley, and I walked to the back when Phillipa was stopped by the lady.

"I'm sorry, miss. You can't come. Unless you're related." Paisley looked really freaked out.

"What? Why? He's not her family." Phillipa said, pointing to me.

"Yes, but he is the one making the claim. And Paisley here is the victim, so I will need the both of them." Paisley looked like she was going to cry or have an anxiety attack. Phillips frowned, giving Paisley a sad smile before turning and walking to where Jazzy was sitting.

The lady led us to a room. With a table and three chairs. Paisley and I sat in the two chairs opposite of the lady.

"Remember, this conversation is being monitored. My name's Elizabeth and I'll be questioning you. So, Paisley, you're being abused?" Paisley slowly nodded. "It's okay, we're here to help you. No one's going to hurt you, okay? Just tell us what we need to know, deal?" Paisley slowly nodded again, still looking terrified.

"So," Elizabeth continued, "tell me the whole story from the beginning."

Paisley still looked extremely unsure. "Can we not? I just needed some food so I can get back home, I'm sure my stepdad's worried and-"

"Paisley." Elizabeth said calmly. "Just talk to me for a minute. And then you can get going, alright? Just tell me what's been happening. From the beginning."

Paisley took a deep breath. "Um...when I was seven, my parents got divorced. My dad...didn't want me anymore so he left. When I was ten, my mom met Dustin. When I was thirteen, they got married. And then nine months after the wedding, my mom got sick and, she...died. I was, um-"

"Elaborate." Elizabeth said while scribbling notes down.

"Excuse me?" Paisley asked confused.

"Elaborate on your mom. Her getting sick, her death." Paisley bit her lip.

"I'd rather not." She said.

"Well, you're going to have to." Paisley looked down. You could tell her mom's death hit her hard. I feel bad for doing this... no. I'm doing the right thing. Right?

"Food poisoning, that's...that's all it was." Paisley sighed. Elizabeth nodded and scribbled some more things down.

"Continue with your story."

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