He's Your Dad?!

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Paisley's POV

"I can't wait. Today's the day." Winter said, rubbing her hands together. I looked at her sideways.

"What happens today?" I asked. Winter grinned.

"Violet was supposed to research Lin's adoptive daughter last night, meaning..."

"Meaning she'll know his adoptive daughter is me." I sighed. Winter beamed.

"She's gonna talk your ear off, just you wait. I'm so excited!" Winter squealed, causing me to groan.

"Why is that so exciting?" I asked, rolling my eyes. Winter laughed.

"Because now I'm not in the position where Violet talks my ear off. I'm in the position where I get to watch Violet talk someone else's ear off. Ahh! I'm so excited! Where's the popcorn when you need it?" Winter said, causing me to groan again.

After a few minutes of talking, a very excited Violet came into the classroom. I sighed, scared of what she was about to say.

"Hey guys!" She simply said, sitting at her desk in front of us. Winter and I both looked at each other in confusion.

"Uh...did you find out the name of Lin's daughter?" Winter asked. Violet groaned.

"No! I totally forgot!" She said, causing me to beam and Winter to frown. "Don't worry. Alex will probably know."

"Oh yeah! Alex will freak out!" Winter exclaimed happily, then whispered to me "Good luck, Paisley."

"Who's Alex?" I asked.

"Our friend. She's super cool. And crazy. Not to be confused with the douche Alex in tenth grade. Although...Alex has dated him." Violet thought for a second. Winter looked up at the door and grinned.

"Speak of the devil." She laughed. I looked over at the door to see what everyone was talking about. It was a girl with dark brown hair. It was really pretty, and looked even prettier when the sunlight hit it a certain way. The girl stormed into the classroom.

"Okay, so tell me why I'm getting ready for school and my mom literally goes 'Oh Alex by the way, you have to do the dishes when you get home'. Like, huh? I literally bust my butt to do the chores and then my-" Alex stopped when she saw me and smiled. "Oh, there's a new girl? Sorry, I'm not usually like this."

"Yes she is. All the time. Anyway, Paisley, this is Alex. Alex, this is Paisley." Winter said, causing Alex to beam even more.

"No way! That's such a cool name! You know, Lin-Manuel Miranda has a daughter named Paisley." Alex said. Winter beamed, obviously glad that someone had brought up the topic.

"Really?" She asked.

"That's her name! Paisley! I was wondering what it was." Violet said. Alex nodded, pulling out her phone. I covered my eyes with my hands, not wanting to see what happens next.

"I'll look it up. She's-"

Just then the bell rang and I have never felt more relieved in my entire life. I guess you could say I was saved by the bell.

Hah. Hahaha. Hahahahaha.

Wow I hate myself.

"Ugh." Alex said, pocketing her phone. "I'll look it up later."

We all turned to the front as Mr. Allen got up and got ready to begin his lecture.


Winter, Violet, and I were sitting at the cafeteria table eating lunch. I opened my lunch bag to see that I had sticky-notes in it.

Have a good second day of school!! :)
Vanessa Xoxo

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