Wait...That's Not Right

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Lin's POV

"Yes Lin! For the hundredth time, I promise I won't touch your laptop!" Paisley said, seeming pretty annoyed. I narrowed my eyes.

"You promised you wouldn't eat my $30 cake and what happened?" I questioned, still feeling super salty about that. I came home with a $30 cake from a fancy afterparty and I specifically wrote in Sharpie on the container PAISLEY DO NOT EAT

She ate it anyway.

"Well who's fault is that for spending $30 on a tiny slice of cake?" Paisley shot back. I groaned.

"Don't you have homework or something you need to do?" I asked. Paisley grinned.


"But it's Monday. How do you not have homework?" I asked, causing Paisley to roll her eyes.

"Because Lin, I'm a good child and I do my work ahead of time." Paisley said. This time it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"Well let me work please." I said, typing my SUPER SECRET work on my laptop.

I've got something I'm working on...AND IT'S SO GREAT. But I can't tell anyone what it is, because it's super secret and would ruin the surprise. I mean, the last time I had a project this big, I created the best musical on Broadway, sooooo...

I continued to type on my laptop when I noticed Paisley staring at me on the opposite couch. I sighed, slightly closing my laptop lid and looking at her through my glasses.

"Can I help you Paisley?" I asked, feeling a teensy bit annoyed that she was ruining my creative artistic writing process.

"Nothing. Just...is it something big?" Paisley asked excitedly.

"Duh." I said in an obvious tone. Woah, that sounded like Karen Smith. Man, I wish my boobs could tell when it was raining.

"You're really smart." Paisley said. I grinned, nodding.

"I know, I'm a smart cookie. I bet I have a QI higher than Einstein." I said, then thought, knowing that I said something wrong but not being able to put my finger on it. "Wait..."

"And I take back my previous statement." Paisley shook her head, getting up and walking to her room. As she was walking, she looked over at me and whispered, "It's IQ, 'smart cookie.'"

"Whatever." I mumbled. I opened up my laptop again when Paisley had left only to be interrupted by a giggling Sebastian.

Also a very naked Sebastian.

"Seb!" I yelled as Sebastian giggled, running around the living room butt naked and sopping wet. Vanessa came out of the bathroom carrying a towel.

"Sorry, I was giving him a bath and he just ran out. Seb come here!" Vanessa said, which only caused Sebastian to giggle more. He ran to her without hesitation. That made me slightly annoyed.

"Why does he listen to you? I have authority too. I'm a persuasive man." I said, and to my surprise, Vanessa laughed out loud.

"Like that's true." She snorted. My jaw dropped.

"It is! Watch this. PAISLEY!" I yelled to Paisley in her bedroom.




Vanessa laughed harder. I rolled my eyes, not seeing why this was so funny.

"Well that's expected. She's a teenager she doesn't listen to anyone." I pointed out. Vanessa gave me a look before turning to Paisley's room.

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