We Need To Talk

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Paisley's POV

I went to Vanessa's house five minutes before intermission. Apparently, if we left during intermission we wouldn't make it out alive. I'm just quoting Vanessa, of course.

Vanessa's house was really nice. Well...I guess it was technically some kind of apartment, but it was massive, unlike any apartment I've ever seen before.

We walked in and were greeted by a girl who looked kind of young, but definitely older than me. Maybe nineteen...ish?

"Thank you so much for watching Sebastian." Vanessa said, taking the toddler from the girl's arms and handing her some money.

"It was no problem. I'll see you another time, Mrs. Miranda." The girl said, eyeing me suspiciously. It was weird, but considering she probably knows this family pretty well it probably is strange to see some random girl come through the door.

Eventually, the girl left and I felt a lot better once she was gone.

"Okay!" Vanessa exclaimed excitedly, placing Sebastian on her hip. "Follow me to your room!"

I followed Vanessa down the hall until we reached a room. Vanessa smiled excitedly and opened the door and...wow.

The walls were gray. There was a pretty big bed in the middle of the room with a gray and white striped comforter. There was a little TV on the wall. There was also a little bathroom and a closet. It wasn't huge, but it was a comfortable size. There were cute little lights strung around the room. It was really...amazing.

"Wow. I don't know what to say. Thank you." I awkwardly said, still staring at the room in front of me.

"You're welcome! I spent all day decorating it. Of course the walls were already painted like this so that made my job easier." Vanessa said, staring at it and looking extremely proud.

"Yeah...it's amazing." I smiled, still staring in awe at the room. Vanessa smiled, too.

"I'll leave you alone with your new room." She said, leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

I walked around the room, taking in every detail. I started unpacking what little belongings I had. When I put them away, I found more things that I guess Vanessa bought for me.

When I was done, I got ready for bed. Which basically means I brushed my teeth, showered, brushed my hair, and put my sweatshirt and an old pair of athletic shorts on. (Don't ask me why I packed athletic shorts in January, I'm stupid).

I finally laid down on my bed and cuddled under the covers. This bed is really comfy.

...I still feel stupid for telling on Dustin. I should've just kept my mouth shut. Who knows what he'll do to me when he finds out...

I shuddered and pushed the thought out of my head and focused on going to sleep, which I eventually did.

Lin's POV

Once the show was over I walked over to my dressing room to get some of my things.

"Hey, you wanna come to dinner tonight?" Leslie asked, popping his head into my room.

"At," I looked down at my watch, "11 PM?"

"Yeah. You wanna come?" Leslie urged. I hesitated for a second.

A part of me wanted to. I wanted to hang out with my really, really stupid friends and watch them get kicked out of a restaurant, only for the staff to realize they're Broadway stars and give them free meals and praise.

On the other hand, V is waiting for me. And that whole Paisley situation. I really need to sit down and have a conversation with Vanessa. And I have to put Sebastian down to sleep...

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