Meet Me Outside

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Alex's POV

Winter, Violet, Eric, and myself were all waiting for Paisley to walk through the diner double doors.

She said she had something to tell us. Which meant it was either something really really good or really really bad, there's not usually a middle ground for these type of things.

"Is she coming?" I groaned impatiently, looking down at my phone to see it was already 3:30, and she said she would be here at 3:00.

"Just give her some time. It's not the end of the world." Winter laughed, taking another bite of her salad.

I, for one, could not eat. My mind was racing with all worst possible case scenarios.

What if her Dad came back? What if...what if her dead mom suddenly isn't dead and reappears and bam, she's on a plane to freaking Alaska next week.

The worst thing at this point would be a California 2.0. I can't have her leave again. Those were the worst four months of my life.

Winter was eating normally, and Violet had completely skipped eating food, instead stuffing her face with a big bowl of ice cream.

I looked over at Eric on the other side of the booth. He wasn't eating either, his hands folded and his eyes stuck on the table, making it very evident he was deep in thought.

"Are you okay, Eric?" I asked, watching as he looked up at me.

"I don't know, I just...should I tell Paisley about UCLA when she gets here?" He asked.

He was of course referring to the fact that he had been accepted into University of California, Los Angeles. We've known for months now, but he still hasn't told Paisley in fear of making her upset. It's already the beginning of June, and he leaves August, so she has to know soon. But...I don't think today.

I quickly shook my head. "Definitely not. You'll break her tiny little heart in half."

" also don't want to wait too long." Winter pointed out. "Because then before you know it, you'll be telling her a week before you leave. Remember how upset we were when she did that?"

Which was a very valid point. Paisley had told us about leaving for California a week before she left when she had known for months. And I completely understand not wanting to tell us and upset us. But it was so much harder to accept when I only had a week to process everything.

Before I could say anything though, Paisley walked through the doors, smiling and looking very happy.

"Paisley!" Violet said excitedly.

Paisley walked over to us, laughing at Violet as she sat down next to Eric. "'ve...your face is all..."

"Huh?" Violet looked very confused, ice cream all over her face.

Winter grinned, handing the poor girl a stack of napkins from the napkin holder.

"So...what's up?" I asked, hoping that Paisley would share her news with us. Very much hoping that it wasn't anything bad.

"Oh, right! I'm a Miranda." Paisley beamed.

"Wait, really?" Violet asked excitedly, earning a nod from Paisley. I let out a deep breath I didn't know I had been holding. That was very good news, and I'm glad it's that and not a California 2.0.

"Yeah! Er...I will be in 3-4 business days. But the ceremony was this morning."

"Wow, that's...awesome, P. I didn't know it would be so soon." Winter smiled.

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