Cup, Plate, Bin

943 47 45

*trigger warning* - anorexia is discussed very heavily in this chapter
Paisley's POV

I was scared to see the doctor.

I was always scared, even as a little girl, but after Mom died, and now Alex, that fear has somehow tripled.

"They're not scary, doctors are nice. They're not scary, doctors are nice." I repeated to myself over and over again as we rode down the street, saying the words in an attempt to calm my nerves.

"Maybe if you do good they'll give you a lollipop." Lin was obviously teasing me.

"I'm not a child, I don't need to be bribed with candy." I mumbled, pulling at the bottom of my sweater. It was quiet between the two of us for a bit before I spoke up. "Do you think they have strawberry?"

"I'm sure that they do." Lin let out a laugh. We pulled up to the building, my nerves intensifying as I looked up at the doctor's office. "Okay...are you ready?"

I slowly nodded, although I was nowhere near ready.

I didn't want to do this. I wasn't ready for the needles and the cold metal tables and the scary-looking contraptions.

But I promised Lin yesterday that I would let him help me. I'm gonna let him help me.

Lin checked me in, and I walked over to the waiting room, sitting down in one of the cushioned wooden chairs.

It was quiet, just the two of us in here. The only thing on my mind was Alex. The last time I was in a waiting room was when I was waiting to hear about Alex.

And then they said she was fine.

But then all of a sudden she just...wasn't.

"Paisley Miranda?"

I looked up when my name was called, seeing a nurse standing there. Her face was warm, her honey-blonde hair tied back into a ponytail made her look just like...Jess.

I blinked a few times. I know it's not Jess...but this woman looked so much like her. Her hair, her face, even the way she stood. She looked like Jess.

"That's you, kiddo. I'll be waiting out here." Lin told me. I nodded a little, standing up. But...I was way too psyched out by Jess' apparent twin sister. I didn't want to go back there with her, and I definitely didn't want to go back there alone.

"Can you come with me?" I whispered, a little embarrassed that I was too scared to see the doctor by myself. There are probably ten-year-olds that can go back there by themselves.

But I can't. It's way too soon.

Lin seemed happy to oblige, nodding as he stood up, and we both followed the Jess clone down a few hallways to a small room.

"The doctor will be in shortly." The nurse smiled, closing the door. I took a seat on the examination table as Lin took a seat on one of the metal chairs in the corner.

"Was it just me or did she look just like-"

"Jess." I sighed, finishing his thought off for him. Lin nodded, frowning a bit.

"Yeah...very weird."

I miss Jess.

But the mental image of her standing there crying in the waiting room will forever be seared into my brain. She stood there and...and told us that Alex died. They didn't save her.

They just...let her die.

I shook the thoughts out of my head, bringing my attention to the room. The walls were a pale blue. Maybe meant to soothe the patient but they just looked...depressing.

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