Pinky Promise

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Vanessa's POV

"But you look so pretty!" I whined as Paisley unhappily stood there in a poofy pink dress.

"I look like a piece of cotton candy." Paisley remarked. I laughed, shaking my head.

"No you don't. Come on, give me a twirl!" I said. Paisley shook her head.

"Absolutely not." She said, crossing her arms. I shrugged, taking out my phone and snapping a picture. "What are you doing?"

"I'm taking a picture for Lin to see." I said, causing Paisley's eyes to widen.

"No!" She yelled, hurrying back to the dressing room. I smirked, sending the picture to Lin.

"Damage is already done." I said, laughing when I heard Paisley groan.

Vanessa: (Image Attached)

Vanessa: Okay, dress number 73, what do we think?

Baby <3: She looks like a piece of cotton candy.

Vanessa: No she doesn't.

Baby <3: ...she kind of does

Baby <3: Also why 73 dresses? You've put her through enough torture just let her go home babe.

Vanessa: No we have to find the perfect dress

I pocketed my phone as Paisley walked out in dress number bad.

But...she needs to find the perfect dress! Who cares if it takes all day...which it did.

Paisley walked out in a dark blue dress that was hemmed perfectly. It was literally the prettiest thing in the entire universe, granted I've been saying that for the past 73 dresses, but still this one's really pretty!

"I hate myself for actually liking this." Paisley mumbled, looking in the mirror. She turned to me. "What do you think?"

"You have to get it. Paisley you look so pretty!" I said, taking a picture and sending it to Lin.

"But, you have to say that, you're my..."

I looked up at Paisley, waiting for her to finish what she was saying. I raised my eyebrows and watched as Paisley thought, not knowing what to say.

"You're my Vanessa, you have to say that." She said, causing me to laugh a little.

"I'm your Vanessa?" I laughed as Paisley turned red, her face flushing with embarrassment.

"I'm trying my best bear with me." Paisley mumbled, looking down. I smiled a little.

"Well, as your....Vanessa, I think it's perfect." I said, watching as Paisley grinned and walked back into the dressing room. She came back out with the dress.

"Should I just...leave the other 73 dresses in there?" She asked. I laughed a little and nodded, walking to the register to pay for the dress and soon after leaving the store.

Paisley's POV

I walked through the door, feeling very happy to be back after six hours of dress shopping. Yeah, six hours.

Vanessa insisted that I needed a new dress for the Freshman Formal, but I think Brandon would have been okay if I just wore sweatpants and a T-Shirt. Vanessa said that we had to find the "perfect dress", and apparently the first 73 weren't good enough.

"Hey kid! You finally got back huh?" Lin asked from the couch, laughing. I groaned, throwing the dress bag on him. "Ow!"

"That did not hurt! It's a paper bag Lin." I pointed out. Lin dramatically looked away.

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