Boys Are Yucky

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Paisley's POV

"PAISLEY! GO TO BED!" Lin yelled from the living room. I covered my mouth, trying to stop giggling, but I couldn't. Brandon and I were FaceTiming and he had just told me about his encounter with the seniors and I almost peed myself.

"SORRY LIN!" I yelled back, still giggling. I turned my attention back to Brandon, who was grinning on the other end of the line. "Keep going."

"Okay, so then, I was congratulating Tommy on graduating, and I asked him if he could put in a good word with his dad for me next year since his dad is the football coach. And he said he would if I went up to the roof and dropped water balloons." Brandon said.

" one's allowed to go on the roof." I laughed more.

"Exactly. Which is why when I thought Mrs. Brown was a student and she got soaked, I got detention. For a week." Brandon said, causing me to laugh harder.

"Y-you dropped a water balloon on the principal?" I laughed. Brandon grinned, nodding.

"Yeah. But on the bright side, now Tommy will put in a good word in with his dad." Brandon said excitedly, only causing me to laugh so hard I was almost out of breath.

"He's...he's messing with you, Brandon." I choked out through my laughter. Brandon looked confused.

"You mean...he's not going to put in a good word with his dad?" Brandon asked. I shook my head, unable to speak. "So...he did that just to embarrass me?"

I nodded again, still laughing like crazy. Brandon groaned.

"Aw man! I thought he was serious!" He said again. I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe. Lin burst through the door.

"Paisley. It's almost midnight. Go to bed." He said, seeming annoyed, then curious when he saw I was on the phone. He raised his eyebrow. "Who are you Face Timing?"

"No one." I said to him quickly, then looked back at the phone. "I have to go to bed. Goodnight Brandon."

"Bye Paisley." Brandon said as I turned off the phone. Lin rolled his eyes.

"I don't like Brandon."

"Really? I had no clue." I said sarcastically. Lin narrowed his eyes, grabbing Teddy.

"Drop the sarcasm or Teddy might 'accidentally' end up in a New York sewer grate." Lin said, putting air quotes around "accidentally". I shook my head, grabbing Teddy from him.

"You're evil." I said, hugging Teddy closer to me. Lin shrugged, sitting down on the bed.

"You're eviler." Lin argued. I shook my head again.

"You're evilest." I said back. Lin laughed to himself.

"Alright, I get it, I'm eviler." He said, raising his hands in defeat. For some reason that caused me to laugh harder because tonight I'm in a really good mood. Lin grinned, ruffling my hair.

"You're crazy kid. Off?" He asked as he got up and walked over to the light switch. I nodded. Lin flipped the switch. "Night Paisley."

"Goodnight Lin." I said as I watched Lin close the door behind him. I waited ten seconds before getting back on my phone and calling Brandon. After two rings he picked up.

"Is he gone?" Brandon asked. I quietly giggled, nodding, but then stopped when I realized he couldn't see me and I probably looked like an idiot.

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