Tough Conversations

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Paisley's POV

With Dad going to numerous conferences and working all day, it's no surprise that I spent the holidays alone.

I woke up on Christmas morning to an empty house, seeing as Dad was at a week long conference in Nevada.

And I swear I've been trying to eat more, but of course an empty house also means an empty pantry. Maybe he just doesn't feel the need to really go grocery shopping because he's always gone on trips? I'm not really sure.

It's just so weird. Lin and Vanessa worked a lot...but not this much. Dad's literally just never around...ever.

I get that he's busy. I get that he has more important things to do than sit around all day and keep me company. Heck, I don't even like spending time with him, I shouldn't be complaining.

It's just...lonely.

Today marks the second month of living with Dad, which also marks two months that I haven't been with Lin and Vanessa.


"Ready?" Dad asked, holding the front door open for me. I sighed, nodding and slinging my book bag over my shoulder, not bothering to bring a jacket.

It's weird that it's the beginning of February and I'm wearing a t-shirt and leggings. In New York, I would be bundled in a heavy winter coat right now, probably even a scarf.

"Exciting, huh?" Dad broke me out of my thoughts. I only shrugged, trying not to let my nerves get the best of me.

"Yeah...I guess."

"You'll love it." Dad smiled, clearly trying to cheer me up. "Don't forget about my company dinner tonight, either. Wear something nice!"

"I'm going to that?" I asked, feeling extremely confused. This was the first time I've heard about this dinner thing.

Dad laughed a little, looking a tiny bit confused as well. "Of course you're going. Why wouldn't you be?"

...Because I've never come to these things with you? You've never once mentioned it?

"Nevermind." I sighed, frowning as I looked up at the large school we were at. "Wow."

"Kind of intimidating, I know." Dad chuckled. "But you'll make tons of friends! I'm off today, and I'll pick you up when you get out, okay?"

"Okay." I took a deep breath, looking up at the building one more time before opening the door and stepping out. "Bye."

"Bye, Paisley! I love-"

I shut the car door, happy to cut off his small speech before he could say anything else.

And as much as I hate to admit it, I almost wish he could be here with me, just so that I could at least have one familiar face.

I frowned as I scanned the large crowd of faces. Everyone here was dressed like they were ready for Paris Fashion Week.

I immediately felt myself heat up as I walked past a couple of people, feeling their eyes on me as I made note that I was definitely underdressed in my leggings and t-shirt.

But it's school! Not a beauty pageant!

I took a deep breath, feeling so unbelievably anxious at this point.

I still haven't had that conversation with Dad about getting more medication...I've been out of pills for over a month now.

It's not that I think he'll say no, it's just...a hard conversation to have, I guess. And a bit weird, I barely know him.

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