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Phillipa's POV

Renée and I got out of the car, walking towards the front door. I knocked and was greeted by Lin.

"Hey. Thanks for coming by. I think Paisley's asleep." Lin told me.

"Kay." I said, walking to Paisley's room. I opened the door and walked in, not making an attempt to be quiet. I threw the blankets off of her. "Paisley."

Paisley groggily lifted her head up and opened her eyes. "Phillipa? Why are you here?"

"Renée and I are taking you to dinner. She's in the living room." I explained. Paisley thought for a second.

"Wait...why are you guys..." Paisley leaned back and groaned. "LIN ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"

Lin didn't answer. I rolled my eyes because of course Lin was too cowardly to answer her back.

"Anyways, come on Pay. It'll be fun! We can go wherever you want." I told her. Paisley laid back in bed.

"But I'm not hungry."

"But we're going to dinner."

"Pippa, please don't make me go I'm really not hungry." Paisley begged.

"Child, you don't have a choice. Come on, we're going. Get dressed. We'll be waiting in the living room." I said, leaving her room and sitting on the couch.

"How'd it go?" Lin asked me. I rolled my eyes.

"We're taking her to dinner, Lin." I said.

"Okay, thank you." Lin said thankfully.

"I still don't understand why you couldn't just take her to dinner yourself. I left my mani/pedi halfway. They only finished painting one foot. Now I look like an idiot." I complained.

"I mean, you always look like an idiot. Now you just look like an idiot with good fingernails and bad toenails." Lin said. I narrowed my eyes. Apparently he's forgetting that I'm trying to do something nice to help him.

"I'm leaving." I said, standing up to walk out.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm just joking, you look gorgeous." Lin said, still laughing from his joke.

"Lin-Manuel, Pippa's about to smack you to Arizona so stop talking." Renée warned. Lin raised his hands up in surrender. Just then, Paisley walked out in a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. She looked completely miserable.

"Alright, let's go." I smiled, getting up and walking out the front door, Renée and Paisley following me.

Once we got in the car, Renée and I started talking. Paisley didn't say anything at all. After about five minutes, I decided to try and get a conversation going, but Renée beat me to it.

"Are you okay, Paisley?" Renée asked her. Paisley just kept looking out the window.

"I'm not anorexic." Paisley said quietly, completely ignoring Renée's question.

"We know that Pay." I said, turning into the next lane.

"No you don't. You think I'm anorexic because that's what Lin told you, right?" Paisley asked. I hesitated.

"Lin didn't tell us anything. It was our idea to come over and take you to dinner. Right Renée?" I lied through my teeth, looking to Renée for help.

"Oh...um, yeah! That's what happened!" Renée said, her voice going up about five octaves like it always does when she lies. I internally groaned because she was a really really really bad liar.

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