Meet the Mirandas

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(The picture is my current mood whilst testing bc I'm stressed happy testing everyone)

Paisley's POV
~Three Months Later

"But I mean...we could just not do the project." Alex said. I rolled my eyes and continued to listen as Ms. Smith kept talking about how art was "influential" for the world.

"Alex, it's the end of May. We've only got a few more weeks until the end of the school year and this project counts as half of our grade, so yes, we're doing it." I said as Alex groaned.

"You're no fun." She pouted. I shrugged, taking notes on various artists of the 19th century. I thought art class was supposed to be fun.

"I'm sorry I want to get a good grade." I mumbled. Alex rolled her eyes, continuing to scroll through Twitter. "Alex write down the notes."

"No. Notes are boring." She complained.

"Alex we have a test on this stuff." I told her. Alex groaned.

"Fine. But don't expect me to study." She said, causing me to laugh a little.

"When do you ever study?" I joked...kind of, but not really. The girl never studies! Alex gasped, looking offended.

"Well, I mean...okay never. But still I-"

"Paisley and Alex. I do hope you two are discussing the influences of Vincent Van Gogh and not your plans for your Friday night." Ms. Smith said. I smiled.

"We are indeed discussing Vincent Van Gogh." I lied. Ms. Smith gave me a look of pure annoyance and returned to her speech.

"So...what are our Friday night plans?" Alex whispered. I quietly laughed.

"You're coming to my house and we're working on our science project." I whispered back, causing Alex to groan.

"But Paisley-"

"Hey, you get to meet Lin tonight. The least you can do is pay me back by actually helping with the science project." I said. Alex smiled.

"I get to meet Lin!" She squealed, resulting in Ms. Smith to shoot her a look. Alex cleared her throat and looked down, continuing to take notes. I laughed a bit and shook my head, not quite knowing what to expect for tonight.


I walked with Alex to the parking lot where Vanessa was waiting. Alex took a deep breath, causing me to laugh.

"Do you think you can handle this? It's only Vanessa." I said, causing her eyes to widen.

"Only Vanessa? VANESSA IS NOT AN ONLY PERSON SHE'S GREAT! I'm gonna throw up." Alex said, holding her stomach. I laughed to myself, feeling very scared for when she meets Lin if she's already acting this way with Vanessa. I walked over to Vanessa's car and hopped into the passenger sweet while Alex slowly got in the back.

"Hey Vanessa. This is my friend Alex." I said, pulling out my phone.

"Hi sweetie! I'm Vanessa." Vanessa said to Alex, starting up the car. Alex stared in awe.

"Wow. You're so nice. I can't believe I'm actually talking to you I-"

I tuned out Alex's rambling and paid attention to my phone, deciding to warn Lin

Paisley: Hide

Lin-Diesel: What? Why lol

Paisley: Because my friend Alex is coming over and she's a really big fan.

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