New School? Making Friends? Ew

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Paisley's POV

I groaned as the sunlight poured through Kat's nice and flowing white curtains. They're beautiful...but they do a terrible job at keeping the sun out. It's only 7:30. I shouldn't be up for another couple of hours.

"Kat." I groaned from where we were sleeping on the ground. Kat was on the other side of the room.

"Mmmhm?" Kat mumbled.

"Get new curtains."

"Shut up, I'm trying to sleep." Kat groaned, shifting positions.

"So am I but your room's too bright." I complained as Kat groaned again.

"Deal with it."

I groaned and rolled over, picking my phone up. I saw that I had many messages from Lin.

Lin-Diesel: yo yo yo wut up home slice

Lin-Diesel: is life nice?

Lin-Diesel: like a bowl of rice?

Paisley: Stop it's too early for this.

Lin-Diesel: then why are you up?

Paisley: Because Kat has pathetic curtains.

Paisley: Why are you up?

Lin-Diesel: I've been at the theatre for two hours and I have a show in like six hours so I'll be here all day :(

Paisley: Have fun!

Lin-Diesel: Thanks you too!

I groaned again because I'm not going to have fun, I'm going to have trouble sleeping.

Ten Minutes Later

"Kat," I groaned, still not able to fall asleep. "Get new curtains."

"Oh my gosh you're so annoying!" Kat groaned, throwing a pillow at me.

"Fine, I'm leaving." I said, getting up from my position and gathering my things into my bag. "But you can forget about the autograph from the dog who doesn't have opposable thumbs."

"You wouldn't." She said, still not opening her eyes.

"Oh I would." I said as I went to the bathroom down the hall and started brushing my teeth. When I was done, I changed into my clothes and brushed my hair. I picked up my bag and started downstairs.

"See ya, Kat."

"Bye, Pay." She called. I opened her door and walked out. Her parents were both at the store, I think. I don't really remember. I do, however, remember Kat being very upset when I told her that tomorrow I have to start a new school. I shuddered. That's going to be awful. I shook the thought out of my head and kept walking. I rode the subway all the way to the apartment where Vanessa greeted me.

"Paisley? Why are you home so early?" Vanessa asked me as I walked in. I yawned.

"Kat has screwed up curtains and I couldn't sleep so I'm going to my room to sleep." I explained to her, walking towards my room. Vanessa chuckled.

"Have fun."

I mumbled a thanks and walked into my room, flopping on the bed and falling asleep.

Vanessa's POV

"Hey hey hey!" Lin came into the apartment, disturbing the conversation between Paisley and I. It was already 5:00 PM

"Hey!" I greeted him as he sat down between the two of us on the couch, excited that he was home

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