The Five People In The Diner

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Paisley's POV

I ran as far as I could, slipping from shadow to shadow. This isn't my first rodeo. My mom dated a guy or two before Dustin. I hated both of them. They were trying to control my life. So I ran away, both times. I always promise myself I'll never go back home, but I can never keep that promise. This time I mean it though.

If people see a little girl on the streets, they'll either try to kill/kidnap me or ask questions. No one can see me, and so far it's working. There are so many tourists though. The streets of New York are never quiet. Especially not tonight. I walked down the street looking for a good place to lay low. Eventually I saw a sign for a hotel:

New Year's Eve Afterparty in Lounge: 1:00-4:30. Open to the public!

I checked my phone. 1:37. There literally could not be a more perfect case scenario.

I snaked my way through the lobby into the bathroom. Almost no one was in the lobby because everyone was attending the after party. Once I was in the bathroom I could finally breathe.

I set my bag down on the counter and plugged my phone in. Okay now it's game time. I just need to think.

Okay. I'll sleep in a stall and then in the morning I'll go to the little diner across the street. That diner isn't well known and isn't the most popular diner. It's perfect. It'll be...

I looked in the mirror and immediately stopped thinking. My attention directed to my appearance.

I ran my fingers across my cheek. I can't believe he did this. He cracked. He...cracked. For good.

I looked at myself in the mirror long and hard. My face was perfectly normal. If you looked at me, you would never be able to tell what was actually underneath this layer of makeup. My brown eyes were full of fear, making me resemble that of a sad puppy.

Maybe because I didn't know what was going to happen. Maybe because I had second thoughts. Maybe...because I can't do this.

No, shut up Paisley. You can do it. Man up! You can-


Kitty Kat: Your dad is literally calling everyone trying to find you.

Kitty Kat: WHERE ARE YOU?!

I sighed. Of course. Dustin and his drunk self knows he screwed up. It's barely been an hour and he's already freaking out. It's an act though, this whole thing is just an act.

Paisley: I can't really answer that right now. Soon though. I promise.

Kitty Kat: Pay please just tell me where you are so we can come pick you up.

Paisley: No can do Kat. I'm running away for good this time.

Kitty Kat: You said that two "this times" ago. It never works. C'mon just tell me I'm tired.

Paisley: Bye Katherine.

Kitty Kat: OOOOHHH I see how it is. Playing the icy full name card. Two can play at that came, Paisley Nicole.

Paisley: Goodbye Katherine Grace.

Kitty Kat: Goodbye Paisley Nicole Richmond.

Paisley: Goodbye Katherine Grace Mitchell.


Paisley: Bye Kat.

And with that I turned my phone off, satisfied that I got the last word. I yawned and realized I needed at least an ounce of sleep if I were to carry on with this plan. I went into the custodian's closet and pulled out a broom. I barred the door with the broom so that no one could get in. Everyone would be drunk out of their minds anyway, so it's not like they would notice.

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