Sebastian Is Not Throwing Away His Shot

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Paisley's POV

Okay, this isn't going terribly Paisley. social? Initiate conversation? Make eye contact? God, I hate making friends. This is hard.

"My name's Winter, by the way." Winter said. That took me back a little bit. I've never heard of that name before.


"Yeah, I know, my parents don't know how to name a child." Winter said. I laughed a little.

"No, that's a really pretty name. If anyone's parents don't know how to name a child, it's mine. My name's Paisley." I said. Winter beamed.

"For once I'm not in the different name group alone! Welcome to the club." She said. I laughed a little. Okay, this isn't so bad. Just don't be awkward Paisley.

"Here we go." Winter mumbled to herself as she opened the door to what I'm assuming was the office. I walked up to the front desk.

"I'm new here. Can I have my schedule?" I asked the office lady. She looked up from her computer.


"Uh...Paisley Richmond. Wait, that's not right...wait, it's Paisley Miranda. That's what it's going to be under anyway. Yeah, Paisley Miranda." I said. I heard Winter chuckle from behind me.

"Are you sure that's your name?" The office lady asked sarcastically. I held in an eye roll.

"Yes that's my name." I said, watching as she opened a big binder with papers in it. She flipped through the pages until she got to my schedule. She held it out to me and I accepted it, looking at it.

The top read: Miranda, Paisley Nicole

I really need to get used to this whole new last name thing before I embarrass myself again. I walked out of the office with Winter right next to me, who looked over my shoulder at the schedule.

"Hey, we're both in ninth grade, so that's fun. We have homeroom together, so that's APUSH...and we have English together! And Biology! And gym! And music class! Dang girl we're practically in everything together!" Winter exclaimed. I laughed a little.

"Yeah, I guess we are."

"Aww dang. You're in the smart math class." Winter pouted. I looked at her sideways, waiting for an explanation. "That means that I'm an idiot and I'm in the dumb math class and you're a smartie pants and are in the smart math class."

I laughed. "I'm sure that's not true. I bet you're a genius. Plus, I'm not even smart."

"That's why you're in all the smart classes? Because you're not smart?" Winter asked me. I only shrugged.

"Right. Hey, what was that about you forgetting your name in there?" Winter asked me, laughing a little bit.

"Oh, I just got adopted. I'm getting used to this whole new name thing." I explained. Winter nodded, looking at my name at the top of my schedule.

"That's cool. So-"

She stopped dead in her tracks and her jaw dropped. I was confused.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. She shook her head in disbelief.

"You're that guy's kid. That one dude who...oh shoot what's his name?" Winter said, thinking. Great. I've been here for less than ten minutes and Lin is already affecting my social life.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, pretending to be confused. Winter gave me the "boi please" look. I know that look all too well, I give it to Lin all the time.

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