The Room Where It Happens

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Paisley's POV
*slightly triggering; mentions of suicide*

"I'm not going." I groaned, hiding under my pillow.

I don't want to get up and have to face today, I want to stay in bed forever. This could either be the best day of my life or the worst day of my life, and I'm not too eager to find out how everything plays out.

"You really don't have a choice." Lin laughed, and I groaned when I felt him take my pillow away from me. "Come on, Skipper. I know it's scary, let's just get it over with."

"Give me my pillow back." I ignored him, looking up through my tangle of hair to see him all dressed up. This is so weird...he shouldn't have to dress up for this, none of us should. What if I get taken away, or what if I never see this place again, or what if-

"Come on, please? We'll both be there with you. But we need to go soon, we'll be in trouble if we skip it." Lin pointed out. I sighed, laying back down and staring at my ceiling. Of course he was right, I just need to get this over with.

"Fine. But I'm not wearing a dress." I said, referring to that stupid dress I had to wear to Dustin's court hearing.

"V already picked one out for you." Lin chuckled, and I groaned when I saw a dress hanging on my closet door. "Get up, we're leaving in twenty."

I slowly got out of bed, making my way over to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and my hair, and even splashed water on my face, trying desperately to wake myself up. Or at least be reminded that today is here already. It always felt so far away, something in the very back of my mind that I would have to worry about later...but later is now.

I changed into the stupid black dress, going through the shoes in my closet. I shuddered when I saw the white flats I had worn to Dustin's court hearing. I remember begging Vanessa to let me throw them out, claiming they were bad luck, but she just thought I was crazy.

I still think they're bad luck, so I grabbed a pair of black flats instead, steering clear of the white ones.

When I looked back in my mirror, I noticed that my appearance was morbid. I looked like I was about to attend a funeral.

"I know you don't want to do this but you still have to do something with your hair, Paisley." Vanessa groaned at my barely brushed hair as I walked out of my room. She took my hand, leading me into her bathroom.

Honestly, I could care less what my appearance looked like. But Vanessa said we need to dress nice and take this seriously.


"Ow." I whined as Vanessa hastily started to brush my hair. She ignored me, continuing her work until she had pinned the front of my hair back.

"Perfect." She smiled, walking out and leaving me alone. I sighed, walking out too. Instead of stopping in the kitchen, I grabbed my coat, starting out the door.

"Come back, P, you need to eat-"

I shut the door, cutting off Lin. I'd really rather not eat today. I'm already incredibly anxious, I don't need any food or else I'm probably gonna be sick.

I sat on the curb beside the car, waiting for Lin and Vanessa to come out.

I really don't want to see my dad. I mean...technically I saw him in July, but this'll be the first time I'll actually be interacting with him in...eight years?

I don't want to do this today. I'm sick of having to relive my trauma all the time. Therapy is a bit different because it's just me and Dr. Conan. But this is Lin and Vanessa, my dad, and a whole bunch of other people I don't know. And I'm on display while everyone watches me talk.

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