You Have The Right To Remain Silent...

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Paisley's POV

"Okay. Well, if you need anything, I'll be in the kitchen stealing my son's juiceboxes." Lin said. I laughed a bit , watching as Lin smiled, obviously happy he made me laugh, and waved, closing the door behind him. Once the door shut, my laughs turned into sobs.

I keep having these weird dreams about Dustin. He's no doubt going to kill me. God, I should've kept my mouth shut. I grabbed a pillow to try to muffle my sobs. I couldn't stop. There's no way to tell what he'll do to me. Probably put me six feet under. A minute later, Lin came through my door.

"Paisley, we need to talk." He said, sitting on my bed while I was still in the corner of the room, sobbing into a pillow. I looked up at him.

"What's there to talk about?" I asked him. Lin looked at me like I just told him that dolphins live in space.

"Come on. We have tons of things to discuss." He said. I looked over at the alarm clock on the bedside table.

"It's 1:00 in the morning. Don't you think we should be getting to bed?" I forced a yawn, pretending to be tired.

"Okay, so first question." Lin said, ignoring my yawn. "What's up? Why are you crying."

"Dustin." I answered plainly. Lin raised his eyebrow.

"What specifically about Dustin?"

"I can't answer that. Last time I told you something, it led to this." I snapped. Lin looked surprised.

"I'm sorry?"

"Because of you, Dustin's going to kill me." I muttered. Lin frowned.

"I was just trying to help you."

"I didn't ask for your help." I said quietly. Lin pursed his lips, thinking for a second.

"Okay...fine. You don't want my help? I won't give it to you." Lin said, leaving my room. Once he left, I cried again. I'm so stupid.

I mean, I'm glad he left. I feel stupid about opening my mouth. I laid back down and tried to find some way to calm myself down. I let my mind drift off as I slowly started falling asleep.

Vanessa's POV

I yawned and slowly sat up in bed as Lin came in, mumbling about something under his breath.

"Hey." I smiled. "How was work?"

Lin continued to mumble, not paying me any attention.

"Lin? LIN!" I yelled to get his attention. He looked at me in the middle of brushing his teeth. "Are you okay?"

"I'm guest scressed a how da baby hit-you-ation." Lin replied.

"What?" I asked, extremely puzzled. He spit his toothpaste out.

"I said, 'I'm just stressed about the Paisley situation.'" Lin turned the bathroom light off and hopped into bed next to me. "It's so confusing."

"Hey, you did the right thing."

Quite honestly, I only said that because I don't feel like arguing with him about how idiotic this decision is and how difficult he just made our lives.

The girl seems nice, but I still have yet to understand Lin's brain.

"Thanks V." He said quietly. I smiled and collapsed back into bed. Then, Sebastian started crying.

"Ugh." Lin and I both groaned at the same time.

"NOT IT!" Lin yelled, disappearing under the covers. I sighed.

"Seriously?" I groaned, getting up and walking to Sebastian's room. I walked in and saw him sitting in his crib crying.

"Hey baby Seb!" I cooed, picking him up out of his crib. I bounced him on my hip to try to calm him down. When that didn't work, I sat down in the chair in his nursery and sat there with him for a little bit until he calmed down. After a good ten minutes, I finally got him back to sleep.

I silently put him back in his crib, planting a kiss on his forehead. I crept to my room where Lin was fast asleep, snoring. I rolled my eyes and laid down next to him, falling asleep easily.


I woke up to the smell of coffee. I immediately got up and felt myself drifting towards the smell.

I love coffee. A lot. It keeps me human. I'm pretty sure it keeps everyone human.

I walked into the kitchen to see Lin making coffee. Seb was in a seat at the bar eating his cereal, watching re-runs of Thomas the Tank.

"Good morning." Lin smiled, swooping over and kissing me on the lips. Our kiss was interrupted by Sebastian laughing.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Sebastian squealed. I laughed and walked over to Seb, kissing his cheeks over and over. At this point, he was giggling like a madman.

Lin set a cup of coffee in front of me and I swear I almost started crying right then and there. It smells so good, and it makes my brain happy.

"You should go talk to Paisley." I urged Lin. He looked extremely uncomfortable with that idea.

"I don't know if we have to do all of that." He replied nervously.

"I know, and you do. Now go." I said, pushing Lin down the hall with one hand and my coffee in the other hand. I'm sorry, I'm not letting go of this coffee for the death of me.

", okay." Lin nervously said, slowly walking down the hall into Paisley's room.

Lin's POV

I don't want to do this. I don't want to do this. I don't want to do this. I don't want to-

"Hey, um...Paisley." I awkwardly said, walking into her bedroom. She was laying on her bed on her phone. She gave me a small smile. I sat down next to her.

"Hey. I'm, uh...sorry about last night, er...this morning. I'm just...scared Dustin's going to kill me. Because of, you know..." Her voice trailed off.

"No, you don't need to apologize. I think Dustin's going to kill you?" I asked. Paisley slowly nodded. I laughed. "That prick is going to jail. Trust me."

Paisley shrugged, seeming extremely unsure. "If you say so."

Dustin's POV

I ran my fingers through my hair. I've been up all night for the past two days looking for Paisley. I can't believe she ran.

I feel so bad about what I've done to her. I don't mean to, it just happens. I love Paisley, but I can't seem to stop hitting her. I can't think straight and I hit her, which seems to get my anger out. I don't know...things just haven't been the same since Allison died.

I sat on the couch, pondering everything when someone knocked on the door. I walked over to the door and opened it.

"Hello?" I asked the group of people. One lady stepped forward, holding a police badge.

"Detective Johnson, NYPD. Are you Dustin Richmond?" She asked.

"Yes. What's wrong? What happened?" I asked as two police officers walked in, handcuffing me.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning." Detective Johnson said, shoving me into the back of the police car.

"What's going on? What's happening?" I yelled again. No one answered, they just drove me to a police station. I started freaking out.


In other news, I want to punch Dustin in the face. Or maybe Lin should do it. I'm fine with either.
Thanks for reading!

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