Ice Cream Dates @ 2 AM

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Paisley's POV

"PAISLEY!" Lin yelled, pouring a glass of water on me.

"OOOHHHHH!!!! I'M UP I'M UP!" I yelled jolting out of bed as the wet fabric of my t-shirt clung tightly to my body.

"Let's go, we're getting ice cream."

"Wh-what time is it?" I asked, yawning and rubbing my eyes. Lin looked down at his watch.

"2:00 AM." Lin said. My eyes widened.

"2:00 AM? I wanna go to bed. It's technically Monday. I have school." I whined. Lin shrugged.

"Well I want ice cream."

"But I don't want ice cream." I said, trying to fan myself. Lin chuckled.

"Well Vanessa's not going to let me go unless I take you." Lin said with a smile. I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks Lin." I mumbled sarcastically.

"No problem. Now get changed. You look like a mop." He said, leaving the room and shutting the door behind him. I groaned and changed into a different pair of clothes.


I walked into the living room where Lin was watching a rerun of The Late Late Show.

"Let's go." I yawned, half asleep. I dragged myself to the front door and down the stairs to the car. Lin went to the car and unlocked it.

"What flavor do you want?" He asked, driving to the ice cream parlor.



"Okay okay fine. Vanilla." I mumbled and opened my phone, looking on Instagram at all of my notifications. I smiled at the nice DM's some people sent me.

hamiltonlovergarbage13452: Notice me!

hamiltonlovergarbage13452: I think Lin is so lucky to have a kid like you!

What they mean by this: I'm obsessed with Lin! You're so lucky to have him adopt you! I only said these nice things so that he'll at least remotely know that I exist.

Haha you thought.

I chuckled to myself and turned my phone off, staring out the window.

"Was Vanessa up?" I asked curiously.






"So you woke me up when no one was up. You could've gone by yourself and Vanessa never would have known!" I whined. Lin thought for a second.

"Oh yeah. Sorry about that." He said, turning into the drive-thru. I rolled my eyes and rested my head against the window.

"Can I have a small vanilla and a small mint chocolate chip?" Lin asked the lady at the drive-in thing. I feel bad for these kind of restaurants where the employees work 24/7.

"$5.67 at the next window." The lady stated in a bored tone. Lin drove up to the next window. He paid for our ice creams and handed me my vanilla cup. I ate it in like two minutes.

"Woah!" Lin said, not even halfway through with his. I smiled with pride and collapsed against the window as I went into a food coma...or in this case, an ice cream coma.

Lin's POV

I pulled my car to the curb and stopped it. I looked over at Paisley and started laughing.

Paisley was fast asleep with her ice cream cup still in her hand and her spoon in her mouth.

I took my phone out and snapped a picture, immediately posting it on Twitter.

Lin-Manuel Miranda:

(Image Attached)
Ice Cream Dates @ 2 AM with @Just.Basic.Paisley. She's my favorite, sorry @VAMNit

I shut my phone off and attempted to wake Paisley up. I shook her gently. When that didn't work, I tried calling her name.

"Paisley?" I said quietly, shaking her slightly harder. "Paisley! PAISLEY!"

Paisley didn't budge. I sighed and got out of my side of the car. I went over to her side and scooped her up in my arms, carrying her bridal style. I carried her up the stairs which was pretty easy because she's really light.

I wonder how much she eats...

I shook my head and laid her on the couch considering her bed was still a little wet from the glass of water.


I draped a blanket over her. She immediately curled up in the blankets. I took her sheets off of her bed and put them in the dryer, deciding to look at my Twitter when I was done.

linthelittlecinnaroll4432: ew she's ugly lolz @Just.Basic.Paisley. @Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda:Well your opinion is wrong and I don't like you. @linthelittlecinnaroll4432

I looked over to see Paisley's position change, smiling a bit to myself.

"Goodnight Paisley." I whispered, sneaking into my bedroom.


Wassup my friends.

I'm only three weeks into school and I'm already ready for Winter. I get so much homework and it's honestly awful. That's my fault for taking all advanced classes. UGHHH IM STUPID.

Anyway, I hope you all had a fabulous day today :)

I love you.

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