What'd I Miss?

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Paisley's POV

"Sebastian, please." I groaned, trying to take a step but there was a small child stuck on my leg.

Sebastian said nothing, still holding onto my leg like a leech, probably wanting me to play with him. But when I got back yesterday that's the first thing I did, and even all day today. Which I don't mind at all, I love playing with Seb. But I told my friends I would meet them at 5:00 and it's currently 5:30.

"Stay." Sebastian insisted firmly. I frowned, immediately knowing what was happening.

"I'm coming right back, I promise. Okay? Give me an hour and I'll be right back." I assured him. Sebastian didn't seem convinced, though, which is completely valid considering last time I walked out the front door, I was gone for four and a half months.

"Stay." Seb said again, his voice much quieter this time.

Before I could say anything else, Lin came down the hall, walking over to us.

"There you are! I was looking for you, it's bath time Seb!" Lin said in an overly excited voice, obviously trying to get Seb pumped up for bath time.

But Sebastian looked absolutely horrified, looking up at me with the most panicked look, as if bath time was the worst thing on this planet.

"Ooh, I'm jealous." I tried to play along to coax Seb. But he rapidly shook his head, and I found it slightly amusing how much Sebastian despised bath time.

"You're gonna have so much fun you won't even know what to do with yourself, little man." Lin said as he pried the boy off of my leg.

"Papa." Seb whined, sounding dangerously close to tears.

"I know, buddy, life's hard." Lin sighed as he picked Sebastian up. He turned to me with a more serious look. "Don't be out super late."

"I won't."

"Seriously. The front door's locking for the night at 8:30 and I will be in bed at 8:31." Lin warned, and I nodded, laughing a little.

"I won't be out late, I swear."

Lin nodded, turning his attention to Sebastian in his arms. "Say bye, Seb!"

And that's when Sebastian started wailing.

So I ended up staying for an extra twenty minutes, trying to calm him down. After many reassurances that I would be back, he finally did let me go, and by that point I was fifty minutes late, and I could already hear Alex complaining about my tardiness.

I walked out the door, walking down the steps and out the apartment complex. I was in my own headspace, not focused on anything other than getting on the subway and to the diner as soon as possible. I was in such a rush that I barely had time to react when I turned the corner of the apartment complex and ran square into someone's chest.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I-" I stopped abruptly, looking up to be met with Eric's face, who grinned and immediately pulled me into a hug.

I smiled, holding onto him tightly for a while before pulling away. "What are you doing here?"

"You said you would meet us at 5:00. Was just making sure you didn't die." Eric chuckled a little. I pulled out my phone, noticing the overwhelming amount of text messages from my very impatient friends.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. Can I chauffeur you?" He asked, and I immediately nodded, not only excited to be in Eric's company but...the subway scares me sometimes.

Just people in general. People are scary.

"I owe you big time." I mumbled as I followed Eric to his worn down car.

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