Father's Day

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Paisley's POV

I woke up on Father's Day in a not so great mood, obviously because it's one of my least favorite days of the year.

The fact that Lin and I have been weird all week doesn't help either.

But today's not about me, and I know that. Today's about Lin. I can suck up any fear that I have for a few hours and paint on a smile.

Today's about Lin.

I went to the bathroom to get myself ready for the day, not bothering to change out of my pajamas.

Vanessa was already up, making breakfast in the kitchen. The table was set beautifully, and I knew she was trying to make it nice for Lin.

"Good morning." I yawned, taking a seat at the table, determined to eat breakfast. I don't want to make eating hard for them today.

"Hey." Vanessa smiled, walking over and setting a stack of pancakes on the table. "Did you sleep good?"

"Mhm." I hummed happily, putting a pancake on my plate.

"Little man did not." Vanessa sighed. I grinned a little, looking over at Seb who was in his high chair. A bright green crayon was in his hand as he scribbled on a piece of paper, and it was very evident he was making a card for Lin.

"Aww, I like your octopus, Sebby." I smiled, observing his paper.

But Sebastian only looked up at me like I was stupid. "Drawing Daddy."

I frowned, looking down at the neon green and purple creature with what looked like eight different legs.

"Is that...not an octopus?"

Sebastian only let out a loud sigh, continuing to color.

"Oh to be a frustrated artist." Vanessa teased, ruffling Seb's hair as she came back over to set a small bowl of fruit on the table.

Lin came out of his bedroom, looking very bright and happy. He was actually dressed, unlike the three of us who were all still in pajamas.

"You made all this, V?" Lin asked as he walked over to the table.

"I made all of it." Vanessa said excitedly, then frowned when she took in Lin's appearance. "You're all dressed...are you going somewhere?"

Lin nodded, talking in a hushed tone, even though I could still hear him. "Remember what we talked about last night?"

Vanessa nodded, causing Lin to continue speaking.

"I found this place, one of the best in the country. I mean the pictures of his work are...insane. I'm gonna go there today and see if they can help."

"Wow, that's...awesome." Vanessa smiled. "Where at?"


"You're going to D.C.?" I piped up, causing both of them to look over at me. Lin nodded a little, grinning. "But...why?"

"Super top secret stuff. Sorry, kiddo." Lin said, and I frowned. Most of his business stuff usually is a secret, I don't know why I expected him to tell me. But I was still very curious.

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