What's Normal?

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Lin's POV

Getting to California was...weird.

I mean, I personally was pretty happy to be in LA. I haven't been since last year and boy oh boy have I missed my lovely palm tree friends.

Vanessa was fine too. Usually she gets kind of frustrated and stressed out traveling, but once we got to the hotel she was very excited and started talking about our itinerary.

Heck, even Sebastian was fine. I mean, the child was screaming the whole plane ride and pointing at every mailbox, yelling "cat", but still, he was fine.

I think...I don't know, he should probably go see someone about that.

But...Paisley was...weird.

She was just...nervous? Worried? I don't know what but something was going on.

I figured it was just the flight because planes are pretty scary, duh. Maybe? What else could it be though because-

"Okay! Beach time!" Vanessa squealed, getting her bathing suit from her suitcase and running off to the bathroom. I looked over at Paisley, waiting for her to get up or say something or at least blink.

But she didn't.

She just stared at the wall, not moving a muscle and honestly it didn't even look like she was breathing which kinda scared me a little and...wait....oh God...is she breathing?

"Um...Paisley?" I asked, hoping she was like...not dead.

Luckily, she looked at me and didn't look like a person that was dying, so that's pretty good. But she looked...scared still? She just kinda stared off into space and had a blank expression. Honestly, it was kinda freaking me out.

"You good, Skipper?" I asked, waiting for Paisley to tell me to stop calling her dumb names, but she didn't. She just looked at me a little and nodded.

"Are you positive, because-"

"I'm fine." She snapped. I pursed my lips, having a battle with my inner self because I really wanted to know what was going on but at the same time teenage girls are weird and if she wants space I should respect that.

"Okay...did you take your vitamins?" I asked. Paisley scrunched her face up in disgust, nodding (A/N lmaooo does anyone else remember those Flintstone vitamins that tasted like chalk💀)

"Those are dumb." She scowled. I sighed, walking over to my suitcase and continuing to unpack what I had started.

"Well, they're supposed to help you, so let's just keep doing what the doctor told us." I mumbled, watching as Paisley scowled and continued to stare off into space. "Look kiddo, I know-"

"OKAY OKAY OKAY! WHO'S READY TO GO TO THE BEACH!" Vanessa yelled, coming out of the bathroom and carrying a very unhappy looking Seb who was in his swimming trunks and floats.

"Oh, well...I was just gonna unpack a little and then-"

"Noooooo baby!" Vanessa whined, looking unhappy. I tilted my head sideways, watching my wife throw a tantrum like a four-year-old.

And I'm the "immature" one. What does she know? I'm very mature for my age.

"We don't have time to unpack we can do that later, but right now we need to go to the beach! So get in that bathroom and change!" Vanessa yelled. I threw my hands up in surrender, about to go into the bathroom to change when Vanessa stopped me.

"Oh for God's sake Vanessa what could you possibly need now that-"

"Excuse me?" She asked, looking extremely angry. Ahahaha...

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