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Paisley's POV

I sat on my bed, my fingers typing rapidly to try and fit in everything that I'd done today. Lin was at the theater and might not see this for a while, but it's okay. He'll see them sometime soon, the show should've ended a little bit ago.

Paisley: some of these streets are VERY sketchy

Paisley: might've almost gotten kidnapped today

Paisley: uhm

Paisley: anyway

Paisley: but then i went to uptown LA

Paisley: and it was kinda quiet

Paisley: hahahahahahahaha

Lin-Diesel: hi paisley

Paisley: who is this

Lin-Diesel: Lin-Manuel Miranda

Paisley: no it's not

Lin-Diesel: dude it literally is

Paisley: no it's not

Paisley: lin has an irrational fear of typing in lowercase

Lin-Diesel: omg really

Lin-Diesel: then why do you do it

Paisley: i think it's funny

Lin-Diesel: oh

Lin-Diesel: it is funny haha

Lin-Diesel: i'm changing his settings

Lin-Diesel: also hi!!!!!! -jon

Paisley: which jon?

Lin-Diesel: the superior one

Paisley: ???

Lin-Diesel: the one with no h because h's are stupid

Paisley: oh hi jon!!!!!

Paisley: i'm dumb haha i should've made that observation

Paisley: why do you have lin's phone.

Lin-Diesel: he got coffee

Lin-Diesel: and then spilled coffee on his shirt

Lin-Diesel: and started screaming and ran to go get paper towels

Lin-Diesel: or medical attention. i'm not sure, he hasn't come back yet.

Lin-Diesel: and his phone was open and i got bored and saw that someone named cinnamon roll was texting him and upon further investigation i figured out that cinnamon roll was you.

Lin-Diesel: why is your name cinnamon roll

Paisley: because lin's a weirdo

Paisley: it used to be p-dawg pizzle

Lin-Diesel: omg no stop

Lin-Diesel: i hate that so much

I laughed a little, ready to text Jon back when I heard Dad calling for me.

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