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Paisley's POV

When I woke up in the morning, the majority of everyone had left. The only people still here were Phillipa, Jazzy, Anthony, and Jonathan, and Jonathan was currently leaving.

"You shouldn't go. Why do you have to go." I whined, standing up to give him a hug. He chuckled, hugging me tightly before pulling away.

"I have things to do. But I promise I'll come back soon!" He smiled. I sighed, watching as he said his goodbyes to Anthony and I before leaving.

"You should go get ready, we'll be leaving soon." Anthony said from the kitchen table, in the middle of his breakfast. Both girls were currently in the bathroom getting ready.

"Do I have to?"

"Mhm." He hummed. I groaned, causing Anthony to chuckle. "Oh come on, don't be like that. We'll have fun today! Do you really not want to hang out with us?"

"No of course I do. I just...I don't know. I just really need time to myself sometimes. I guess this is one of those days." I shrugged.

I don't really know how to describe it. When I was in California, I was alone all the time, too much even, and I hated it. But here, I'm never alone. I never have any time to myself, Lin and Vanessa keep me under watch 24/7. I kind of thought when I came back they'd be past that whole thing about leaving me home alone. But they're still very much insistent on the fact that I can't be alone, no matter how many times I reassure them that I'm fine.

"I'm sorry, kiddo. But Lin was very insistent on making sure we didn't leave you by yourself." Anthony said as he finished his breakfast.

"I know, because they don't trust me. They think I'm crazy." I sighed, earning a frown from Anthony.

"That's not true. They just want to make sure you're safe, that's all." Anthony smiled, obviously trying to make me feel better. But I still felt weird.

"I just...I need time to myself every now and then. I really need time to myself." I said quietly, hoping that maybe Anthony would be lenient and let this one slide. He looked like he was actually contemplating it, but before he could say anything, Jasmine came over to us. She was all dressed for the day and looked very happy and awake.

"Good morning!" She smiled, seeming very energetic already. She frowned a bit as she noticed that I was still in my pajamas. "Why aren't you dressed? We have to go soon."

I looked over at Anthony, hoping maybe he would tell Jasmine that I was staying home today.

"Paisley wants to stay home by herself." Anthony said to Jasmine. Jaz frowned, looking over at me.


"I don't know. I just want to be alone for a little bit." I shrugged, half expecting Jasmine to immediately shoot that idea down.

But Jasmine nodded, looking very understanding. "I get like that too, sometimes. You can stay home today, I understand."

Anthony looked baffled, looking at Jazzy like she had three heads. "I mean...I understand that too...but Lin said to make sure we didn't leave her by herself."

"She's fifteen, I'm pretty sure she knows how to handle herself."

"But Lin said-"

"Anthony." Jasmine said, raising her eyebrows.

"But Jasmine-"

"Anthony." Jasmine said again. I watched as they had some sort of silent conversation with their eyes, it was weird to watch. And I don't know how she did it, but eventually Anthony sighed and looked over at me.

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