Mother's Day

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Paisley's POV
*this is a Vanessa appreciation chapter because Vanessa is simply the best*

I woke up the following day, groaning as soon as I realized what today was.

But today's not about me or how I feel. Vanessa's probably so excited and happy, so I just have to act okay until I leave. I can do that.

I walked over to my closet, pulling on a comfy sweater and a pair of jeans before going to the bathroom and brushing my hair, brushing my teeth, and washing my face to try and wake myself up.

I also grabbed a light coat, pulling on my shoes and taking a deep breath before opening my bedroom door.

I walked out into the kitchen, a big breakfast set up on the table. Vanessa was sitting at the table, her eyes glued to her laptop.

"Did you make all of this?" I asked Lin, who was currently scrambling around the kitchen.

He nodded, coming over to the table with a plate stacked with pancakes as he groaned. "Yes, and she hasn't even touched any of it."

"I have so much work to do." Vanessa sighed, looking over at Lin and giving him a small smile. "I promise I'll eat later, it all looks really good."

Lin seemed happy with that response, sitting down and fixing his plate. "Are you headed out?"

I nodded, turning my attention over to Vanessa. "I promise I'll be back in time for your dinner."

"Oh, P, that's okay, you don't have to-"

"I'll be back in time, I promise." I repeated, earning a smile from V, which I returned as I headed for the front door. "Bye, guys!"

"Bye, be safe!" Lin called.

"Duh, always." I called back, shutting the door behind me. I walked down the stairs and out the complex, the smile wiped from my face as I walked.

The weather wasn't awful today, definitely not terrible for walking a couple of blocks to get to the subway.

I stopped along the way at a flower cart, paying for a small bouquet of purple lilacs. Purple was Mom's favorite.

I continued my walk, going down to the subway that would take me to Queens. The subway is always overwhelmingly busy, and today was no exception. I somehow managed to find a seat at the end of the cart though, squeezing between the wall and a young girl with her earbuds in.

I looked down at my phone, frowning as I dialed Alex's number.

"Hello?" She picked up quickly.

"Hi. You get to keep me company for a bit."

"Oh, okay. Why?" Alex asked. I looked around the subway, afraid that I would be bothering people by talking on the phone. But nearly everyone in this cart had earbuds or headphones, which was good.

"I'll tell you later." I said simply, not willing to admit that the people on the subway creeped me out.

"Alright then." Alex laughed a little before continuing. "What are you doing today?"

"Visiting my mom."

"Visiting? I thought you lived with your mom. Where is she?"

"St.John Cemetery." I mumbled, the other end of the line quiet.

"Oh...ohh." Alex said as she finally seemed to understand. "I'm sorry, P."

"It doesn't matter." I shrugged, trying to ignore the cart rattling and making a hideous sound as we sped underground, not making my nerves any better. Even creepier was the random dude staring me down across the cart. "Um...can you keep talking."

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