This Should be Fun...

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Paisley's POV
~The Next Morning

I feel a lot better than I did yesterday. Not delusional at least, but Vanessa's still making me go to that stupid doctor's appointment.

"Vanessa, I'm serious! I'm fine! I can go to school today!" I said as I watched Vanessa fold the laundry.

"Your temperature is still in the hundreds  and as long as it stays there, you're going to that appointment."


"No buts."

Just then, Lin walked by to get food in the kitchen.

"Ooh Lin! Don't you think I should not have to go to the appointment if I feel better?"

Lin thought for a second.

"I mean yea-"

Vanessa glared at him for a long time. It was kinda uncomfortable.

"No. You're going to that appointment." Lin said, making coffee.

I rolled my eyes in protest and annoyance. "You're the worst Lin."

"There's the Paisley we know and love! Welcome back kiddo!" Lin chuckled.

"Ughhh." I whined, sinking back into the couch. Vanessa gave me a look, but it was weird. It was the sort of look my mom used to give me when I had an attitude. I was like eight.

The look Vanessa gave me said "cut the bull Paisley." I tried to break from her gaze, but I couldn't. She was trying to intimidate me. I hate it.

"Sorry." I mumbled, looking down at the floor.

"You know, you said some very...interesting things while you were in your delusional state." Vanessa said as she folded one of my shirts. I laughed at her remark.

"I can only imagine."

Vanessa stopped folding and looked me in the eyes. It was intense man.

"Lin told me that you said you had a brother."

I said I had a brother.

God, I'm an idiot.

Technically, Eric wasn't my I can deny it without lying. Right.


"Uh...that's crazy. I was an only" I asked Vanessa. Vanessa folded her arms and looked at me.

"I'm a lawyer. I study facial expressions. You're lying. Tell me the truth Paisley." Vanessa looked like she was really serious. I smirked.

"I'll tell you..."

"Yes, okay awesome so-"

"If I don't have to go to the appointment." I said. Vanessa scoffed.

"Oooh, you've done it now." Lin warned, sassily  sipping on his coffee.

"You know what? Fine. I don't need to know, I'll find out eventually. You're going to that appointment." Vanessa said, walking away. I groaned.

"Haha." Lin said. I threw a pillow at him and collapsed back on the couch, covering my eyes with my hands. I hate the doctors office.

2 Hours Later

"Alright, ready to go?" Vanessa asked, grabbing her purse and her keys. She walked to the door. I just shrugged.

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