Breaking the News

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Paisley's POV


I looked up to find everyone staring at me. Alex frowned, raising her eyebrow. She was definitely onto me.

I noticed the waitress standing in front of me impatiently, waiting to take my order.

"Oh, um..." I felt my cheeks heat up as I quickly flipped through the menu. I didn't have much of an appetite though, so flipping through the menu is kind of useless. "I actually already ate."

The younger waitress looked a teensy bit annoyed but stayed silent, taking the menu from me. Obviously wondering why I had come to a diner if I wasn't going to be getting food.

Honestly I didn't want to come tonight. But all of my friends were hanging out and Vanessa made me.

Well...she didn't technically make me. Just put it into perspective, I guess. In a week I wouldn't be able to hang out with my friends.

And none of them even know yet.

I watched as the waitress walked away, Violet and Winter immediately starting their own conversation up again. Alex was staring at me, crossing her arms.


Alex didn't say anything, continuing to stare as she narrowed her eyes. "You're a liar."

I rolled my eyes, propping my head up with my arm. "And I'm a liar how?"

"You need to eat, Paisley." Alex said quieter this time.

"I'm not hungry."

Which was the truth.

The bit about me already eating, however, was not.

I don't know, I just...I know I'm gonna have to tell them and I feel...sick to my stomach. I don't want them to hate me for not having told them.

Alex continued to stare at me, narrowing her eyes again. I sighed, wondering what she was gonna say this time.

"Yes, Alex?"

Alex glanced over at Winter and Violet next to us before moving in closer to me, leaning across the table.

"Something's up." She said in a hushed tone.

"Nothing's 'up'. I'm good, I swear." I lied, throwing in a smile to seal the deal.

Alex didn't seem even a little bit convinced, rolling her eyes at me. "Seriously. You're being all weird." I guess now's the time?

I've practiced this a million times in my head. I just need to do it. I just need to get this over with.

"I'm leaving." I blurted loudly, capturing Violet and Winter's attention. Alex frowned, her face contorting into confusion. Winter and Vi didn't, though, Violet immediately breaking into a huge grin.

"You're going on vacation again?"

"Um...not exactly." I said quietly, keeping my gaze on the table.

"Oh, it's something bad." Violet whispered to the others as if I wasn't in the seat next to hers.

"They're making you switch schools again, aren't they?" Winter took a guess.

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